St John the Baptist Coventry Marriages 1888-1901

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This file is an index to the marriages in Coventry St. John the Baptist from 1888 to 1901

The data is extracted from LDS film number 1067410

Currently the following transcriptions are online:

1877 - 1884 Index full listing Full Listing
1884 - 1887 Index full listing Full Listing
1888 - 1901 This Index full listing Full Listing

Kindly supplied by Carole Eales


Adams, Addenbrooke, Adrian, Agutter, Allen, Almond, Amos, Anderson, Arch, Arnett, Arnold, Asplin, Austin.

Bacon, Baglin, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Ballard, Bark, Barker, Barnacle, Barnett, Barrass, Barratt, Barsford, Bates, Bausor, Bayliss, Beacham, Beale, Bean, Beauchamp, Beaufoy, Beaumont, Bednell, Beeby, Beecham, Bell, Bench, Bendall, Bennett, Best, Bicknell, Blaby, Boileau, Boneham, Booth, Borsley, Bourne, Box, Brain, Bratt, Bray, Brooker, Brooks, Brown, Browne, Brunt, Bryan, Buckingham, Buckland, Buckley, Bull, Bullivant, Bullock, Burden, Burgess, Burnett, Burton, Busby, Butler.

Caldicott, Cambers, Capnerhurst, Carpenter, Carson, Carter, Cartridge, Carvell, Case, Casemore, Cashmore, Cater, Causer, Chambers, Charley, Charlton, Chater, Chetwynd, Chinn, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clarkes, Cleaver, Clements, Clewes, Clews, Coates, Coleman, Coles, Colin, Collett, Collingbourne, Collins, Congrave, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Copson, Corden, Cording, Court, Cox, Cramp, Cribdon, Crisp, Crofts, Cross, Cuffe, Cutterford, Cutts.

Daffern, Dale, Dalton, Darvill, Davenport, Davis, De Roache, Deeming, Delo, Dennis, Dewis, Dix, Docker, Dodswell, Downes, Duckham, Dudley.

Eardley, Eaton, Eaves, Eden, Edge, Edginton, Edlington, Edwards, Ellis, Elsey, Ensley, Evans, Evatt, Everill, Evetts.

Fallows, Faulks, Fawcett, Feltham, Fennell, Finlow, Fisher, Fitchett, Fitter, Fletcher, Flint, Flower, Flowers, Foster, Francis, Franklin, French, Fulford.

Gallois, Gapwell, Garlick, Garner, Garratt, Gascoigne, George, Gibbins, Gibbs, Gilbert, Gill, Gisbourne, Glover, Goddard, Golby, Goode, Goodyer, Gore, Gorsuch, Gravenor, Gray, Greaves, Green, Greenway, Gregory, Griffiths, Grimes, Grogan.

Haddon, Halcross, Hall, Hammersley, Hancox, Hands, Harborne, Harbourne, Harker, Harold, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harrod, Harrow, Hartopp, Harvey, Hasson, Haughton, Haycock, Hayfield, Haymes, Haywood, Hazle, Hazlewood, Heales, Heath, Heatley, Hewins, Hewitt, Higginson, Higgitt, Hill, Hobbins, Hobbis, Holcroft, Hollis, Holt, Homer, Hooper, Hopkins, Horobin, Horsley, Houghton, Howe, Hubbard, Hughes, Humphries, Hurley, Husselby, Hutchinson, Hyde.

Ingram, Ireland, Ison, Jackson, Jacobs, Jakeman, James, Jarrett, Jefferies, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jennings, Johnson, Johnstone, Jones, Jordan, Jukes.

Keal, Kear, Keene, Kelham, Kemp, Kendall, Kennell, Kent, Kimberley, King, Kinton, Kirkham, Knight, Knowles.

Lacey, Lane, Lawrence, Lee, Lewin, Lewis, Lilly, Lines, Linford, Ling, Linton, Lissaman, Litchfield, Littlewood, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Locke, Lomas, Lord, Lovett, Lucas, Luckman, Ludford, Lynes.

Major, Malin, Mallett, Malone, Marriott, Marston, Martin, Mason, McBride, McCarthy, McGowran, McGrory, McKnight, McLauchlan, McLaughlan, McLeod, McNamara, McQuirk, Mead, Meakin, Mealand, Mellor, Micklewright, Miles, Miller, Millerchip, Mills, Mobbs, Moloney, Moore, Morris, Morton, Mosedale, Moseley, Mountford, Munton.

Neal, Neale, Needle, Nelson, Neville, Newsome, Nicholls, Nightingale, Norbury, North, Norton, Onions, Orton, Oswin, Oughton, Overs, Overton, Owen.

Packwood, Padley, Pallett, Palmer, Parker, Parnell, Parr, Parsons, Payne, Pear, Pears, Pearson, Pendleton, Penn, Pepper, Phillips, Phillpotts, Piers, Piggott, Poole, Porter, Portman, Potter, Potts, Pountney, Powles, Pratt, Preston, Price, Prime, Prosser, Pullen.

Quinney, Radburn, Randle, Reading, Redman, Reynolds, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Ricketts, Riley, Robinson, Roe, Rogers, Rollason, Rose, Ross, Rowbottom, Rowland, Rubley.

Sage, Salisbury, Salt, Sanders, Satchwell, Saunders, Settle, Shakeshaft, Shakespeare, Shannon, Sharp, Shaw, Shepherd, Sheppard, Shirley, Shufflebotham, Sidwell, Skelsey, Skipper, Slade, Sly, Small, Smallwood, Smith, Smithers, Spencer, Spicer, Srawley, Stafford, Staner, Stanley, Stearn, Stimpson, Stockton, Stokes, Stoney, Stringer, Styles, Such, Suddens, Summers, Suter, Swain, Swimbourne.

Tatlow, Taylor, Terry, Thomas, Thompson, Timms, Tims, Townsend, Trickett, Truslove, Tunnicliff, Turner, Turrall, Tutton, Twigger, Twycross.

Veasey, Vernon, Vice, Vick, Vickers, Viles, Villers, Villiers, Vinney.

Wagstaff, Wakefield, Wakelin[e], Walton, Ward, Warden, Wareham, Warner, Warren, Watson, Watts, Webb, Weedon, Welbourn, Wells, Welton, West, Westley, Weston, Wetton, White, Whitehead, Whitworth, Widlake, Wigley, Wilday, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Willliams, Wilson, Wood, Woodfield, Woodward, Wormald, Worrall, Worthington, Wright, Wyatt.

Yardley, Yates, Yeates,

Witnesses Adams, Adkins, Adrian, Agutter, Aither, Aitken, Anderson, Anslow, Anstee, Antrobus, Arnett, Arnold, Ashby, Ashmore, Ashton, Askew, Aston, Atkins, Austin, Aylesby.

Baglin, Bailey, Baker, Bale, Ball, Ballard, Baresby, Barker, Barnacle, Barnett, Barr, Barrett, Barton, Barvill, Bassnett, Bausor, Bayliss, Beale, Bean, Beauchamp, Beaumont, Bednell, Beeby, Beech, Bell, Bembridge, Bench, Bennett, Betts, Bird, Blackwell, Boileau, Booth, Bottrill, Bourne, Bowron, Boylan, Brain, Bray, Brewer, Brooks, Broughton, Brown, Bruner, Bryan, Buckingham, Buckland, Buckley, Bullivant, Burnett, Burton, Busby, Butcher, Butler.

Campton, Capnerhurst, Carpenter, Carter, Cartwright, Carvell, Case, Causer, Cawley, Charlton, Charlwood, Chatwin, Chinn, Christie, Clark, Clarke, Cleaver, Clements, Clewes, Clowes, Coates, Cockrill, Colegrave, Coleman, Coles, Colin, Collett, Collier, Collingbourne, Commander, Compton, Cooke, Coombes, Corbett, Courts, Cox, Cronin, Cross, Crump, Cutts.

Dale, Darvill, Davenport, Delo, Devine, Dickinson, Dix, Dixon, Docker, Dousley, Dowswell, Drane, Duckham, Dyke.

Eaves, Eburne, Eden, Edge, Edmands, Edwards, Elizabeth, Ensley, Evans, Evatt.

Falconbridge, Fallows, Faulks, Feltham, Field, Fisher, Fletcher, Foster, Francis, Franklin, Freeman, French, Frith, Fulford.

Garlick, Garner, Garratt, Gastan, Gibbs, Giles, Glover, Goddard, Golbey, Golby, Goodman, Goodwin, Goodyer, Gore, Gorsuch, Gough, Gould, Grainger, Gray, Green, Greenway, Grimsley, Grogan, Gutteridge.

Haddon, Haines, Hall, Hammersley, Hancocks, Hancox, Hannah, Harker, Harris, Harrod, Harrow, Hartopp, Hartwell, Hayes, Haymes, Hazlewood, Heales, Hegan, Helene, Herbert, Hewins, Hewitt, Hicks, Higginson, Hill, Hinton, Hitchen, Hobbins, Hobbis, Hodgson, Holden, Holland, Hollis, Holt, Homer, Hopkins, House, Howe, Hubbard, Hughes, Hyde.

Ingram, Ison.

Jackson, Jakeman, James, Jefferies, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jennings, Jephcott, Johnson, Johnstone, Jones, Jordan.

Keene, Kelham, Kennell, Kent, Killpack, Kimberley, Kinder, King, Kinton, Kivitt, Knibbs, Knight, Kyle.

Lane, Lant, Lapworth, Larne, Lawford, Leather, Lee, Lennard, Lenton, Lester, Lewin, Lines, Linforth, Ling, Lissaman, Litchfield, Littlewood, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Lomas, Lovett, Ludford.

Makepeace, Mallett, Malone, Manning, Marriott, Marston, Martin, Mason, Matthers, Matthews, Mattocks, Maywell, McCall, McGowran, McKnight, McLauchlan, McLaughlan, Meakin, Mellor, Merry, Micklewright, Miles, Miller, Millerchip, Mills, Millward, Moodey, Moore, Moran, Morris, Moseley, Mountford, Mowe.

Neal, Neale, Needle, Nelson, Newsome, Nicholls, Nicks, Norbury, Norris, North, Norton.

Ogilvy, Onions, Orton, Oswin, Oughton, Owen.

Pallett, Parker, Parnell, Parsons, Patchton, Patton, Payne, Peabody, Peake, Pear, Pearce, Pears, Pearson, Pendleton, Penn, Pettifor, Phillips, Phipps, Poole, Portman, Potts, Powell, Powles, Powney, Pratt, Prestidge, Price, Prime, Prosser, Pullen, Pyatt.

Randle, Rathbone, Raven, Reading, Reed, Rice, Richards, Ridgway, Riley, Robert, Roberts, Robinna, Robinson, Roe, Rollason, Rose, Rotherham, Rowland, Rubley, Ruggles, Russell, Ryley.

Sage, Saint, Salisbury, Sanders, Satchwell, Saunders, Savage, Scott, Sefton, Shakespeare, Sharman, Sharp, Sheasby, Shenstone, Shepherd, Sheppard, Shufflebotham, Sidwell, Skelsey, Skelsy, Skidmore, Smallwood, Smith, Sparkes, Spencer, Spicer, Sprayson, Srawley, Stafford, Staner, Stearn, Steer, Stokes, Strachan, Stringer, Suddens, Sunnuck, Sutton, Swain.

Tatlow, Taylor, Terry, Thomas, Thompson, Tilley, Timms, Tims, Trickett, Trindle, Trunkfield, Tunnicliffe, Turner, Turrall, Tutton, Twigg, Twigger.

Upton, Viles, Villiers.

Wagstaff, Wake, Wakefield, Wakelin, Walker, Wall, Walmsley, Walton, Ward, Warden, Wareham, Warner, Warren, Washington, Watson, Watts, Webb, Welch, Wells, Welton, Wesson, West, Weston, Wheeler, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whiteman, Whittaker, Widlake, Wilding, Wilkins, Wilkinson, William, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wilson, Wing, Wise, Wood, Woodroffe, Woodward, Worrall, Wright, Wyatt.

Yardley, Yates.

Currently the following transcriptions are online:

1877 - 1884 Index full listing Full Listing
1884 - 1887 Index full listing Full Listing
1888 - 1901 This Index full listing Full Listing

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