Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

Surname Index of Piece RG09/2130 (Birmingham (Ladywood))

Link to 2130 zipped version here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing

Abbat, Abbits, Abbot, Abrel, Absolom, Accock, Adams, Adcock, Adderley, Adey, Adney, Ady, Akers, Aldous, Aldridge, Allbut, Allcoat, Allcock, Allday, Allen, Allport, Allsop, Alvey, Anderson, Andrews, Angel, Anslef, Ansley, Anston, Aplin, Arancis, Archer, Armett, Armstrong, Arson, Asbury, Ashby, Ashford, Ashley, Ashmore, Ashton, Askin, Askrill, Aston, Atkins, Attridge, Austin, Avery, Avins.

Babbs, Badger, Badham, Baggott, Bagnell, Bailee, Bailey, Baker, Bakerford, Baldwin, Bale, Ball, Ballard, Balton, Bampton, Bancham, Banks, Barber, Bardell, Barder, Barker, Barnard, Barnes, Barnet, Barnley, Barnsley, Baron, Barr, Barrow, Barrowcliff, Barry, Bartholomew, Barton, Bassett, Bassinger, Bates, Batham, Battie, Battles, Baylis, Bayliss, Baynham, Bea, Beach, Beale, Beardsmore, Beaumont, Becket, Beckett, Beddel, Beddon, Bedford, Bedworth, Beer, Beesley, Beetleston, Bell, Bennett, Benson, Benstead, Bentley, Benton, Berry, Bessant, Best, Betts, Bevan, Bexile, Bickley, Biddel, Biddle, Biniser, Birch, Bird, Bishell, Bishop, Blackford, Blackham, Bladon, Bland, Blinco, Blisard, Bloore, Blum, Board, Boast, Bodell, Bonehill, Bonton, Boot, Bord, Bordman, Borolis, Bose, Bosfield, Boswell, Bothen, Bottomley, Boughton, Boulbottom, Bourne, Bourton, Boutler, Bowater, Bowsy, Boyan, Boyd, Boyle, Brace, Bradshaw, Brampton, Breckinsedge, Brew, Brewer, Bright, Brinkworth, Brittain, Britton, Broadbent, Broadway, Bromley, Broodin, Brooke, Brookes, Brooks, Broomhead, Brothers, Broughton, Brown, Buckley, Bufton, Bulbrook, Bull, Buller, Bullers, Bunce, Burford, Burk, Burkett, Burkitt, Burlison, Burns, Burrock, Burrows, Burt, Busby, Bussell, Bussey, Butcher, Butler, Buttler, Buttress, Byrom.

Cakebread, Calcraft, Call, Campbell, Canning, Cardwell, Carney, Carr, Cartwright, Carwardine, Case, Cashmore, Cass, Castle, Cattison, Ceilless, Chadel, Challerton, Challiner, Challinor, Chamberlin, Chambers, Chaplin, Charles, Chatterley, Chatwin, Chekby, Chell, Chinery, Chivers, Choson, Clarck, Clare, Clarik, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clays, Clayton, Cleaver, Clements, Clerk, Clever, Clews, Clifford, Clifton, Cliner, Cloves, Clowes, Cobley, Cohen, Colboune, Colbourn, Colbreath, Colburn, Cole, Coleman, Colesby, Coley, Collin, Collins, Collis, Collow, Colman, Coly, Comery, Compson, Coney, Conner, Cook, Cooke, Coop, Cooper, Cop, Coperman, Corbett, Cordon, Cornish, Cornock, Corns, Corsfey, Cosford, Cosgriff, Cosnett, Cotter, Cotton, Couck, Coultas, Cowdrell, Cowdrill, Cowell, Cowens, Cowey, Cowley, Cox, Cral, Cresslee, Crodon, Crosbee, Cross, Cruikshank, Cruise, Crutchley, Cumberland, Curtis.

Dabbs, Dale, Dalgish, Dancer, Danes, Darby, Darrall, Daves, David, Davie, Davies, Davis, Davy, Day, Deakin, Dealey, Denchfield, Dengard, Devy, Dicken, Dickens, Dickenson, Dickins, Diggers, Dixon, Dobb, Dobey, Docker, Dodd, Doherdy, Doidgfield, Doley, Dolphin, Doole, Dooley, Douce, Dowdall, Down, Downet, Downing, Doyl, Doyle, Drew, Driscoll, Drummond, Dudley, Duffield, Duggan, Duke, Dukes, Duning, Dunn, Dunning, Dunsby, Dyer, Dyhouse.

Eagles, Ealand, Eastgate, Eddy, Eden, Edge, Edgerton, Edmonds, Edward, Edwards, Egginton, Elbens, Ellard, Ellaway, Elliott, Ellis, Elves, Enson, Erans, Evane, Evans, Everard, Everiss, Evetts.

Falkner, Farmer, Farr, Farrell, Faulkes, Faulkner, Fawkes, Fay, Fell, Fellow, Fellows, Fenning, Fereday, Ferguson, Ferreday, Fessey, Fewkes, Fidaiel, Fiddle, Field, Fieldhouse, Firkins, Fisher, Fix, Flanhorder, Flarell, Flavell, Fletcher, Flexman, Fliming, Flint, Flood, Flower, Floyd, Flynn, Ford, Forgila, Forrest, Forster, Foster, Fouch, Fowles, Fox, Foxley, Foy, France, Francis, Franks, Frearson, Freeman, Fullwood.

Gabb, Gameson, Gandiston, Gardner, Garland, Garnett, Garrington, Gateley, Gaule, Gaunt, Gaynar, Gazard, Gearing, Gee, George, Geyden, Gibbons, Gibbs, Giblons, Gibson, Gidley, Gilbert, Gill, Gillman, Gilroy, Glassby, Glissam, Godfrey, Good, Goode, Goose, Gosconet, Gose, Gozzard, Grady, Grafton, Granjer, Grasser, Graves, Grayhurst, Greaves, Green, Greenway, Greves, Grey, Grice, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grimley, Grimmett, Griom, Grooby, Grove, Guise, Gunn, Gytle.

Hacker, Hackett, Haddelton, Haddenton, Haddington, Haden, Hadley, Haines, Halcut, Hales, Hall, Halliwell, Hamnes, Hampshire, Hampson, Hand, Handerill, Hands, Handstone, Hanks, Hanley, Hanly, Harbone, Harborne, Harbridge, Harding, Hardwick, Hare, Hargrove, Harison, Harmer, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartley, Hartwell, Harvey, Harwood, Hasleton, Hatfield, Hathceat, Hatton, Havins, Hawker, Hawkins, Haycock, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Head, Heafield, Heard, Heaven, Hedge, Hedgslin, Heely, Hemming, Henderson, Hendmarch, Hendricle, Herbert, Heritage, Hesscotts, Hewett, Hewing, Hewitt, Hewson, Hggett, Hick, Hickbottom, Hickebottom, Hickin, Hickley, Hickman, Higgins, Higgs, Hignell, Hill, Hindley, Hine, Hines, Hingley, Hinkley, Hinks, Hobday, Hobon, Hoborse, Hobson, Hodges, Hodgett, Hodgetts, Hodgkinson, Hodkin, Hogobie, Holand, Holder, Holland, Hollingshead, Hollingsworth, Hollins, Hollis, Holt, Hood, Hooke, Hopcott, Hope, Hopkins, Horgan, Horley, Horne, Horner, Horton, Hosking, Hough, Houghton, Howells, Hubble, Huckin, Hudson, Hughes, Hulme, Humpage, Humphage, Humpherson, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunston, Hunsworth, Hunt, Hunter, Huntly, Hutchinson, Hyde, Hynds.

Ilsley, Ingle, Ingley, Ingram, Insley, Izon.

Jackson, James, Jams, Jeavon, Jeffcoat, Jefferson, Jeninns, Jenkins, Jenning, Jennings, Jephcott, Jesser, Jesson, Jeups, Jeyres, Jinks, Johnson, Jone, Jones, Jonston, Jooredge, Jordan, Jordon, Joseph, Joyner, Jud, Jukes.

Kain, Keeling, Kelcher, Kelly, Kendall, Kenny, Kent, Kerby, Kerkton, Kery, Kesseler, Killen, King, Kingham, Kirby, Knapp, Knight, Knole, Knott, Knut.

Lacey, Ladby, Lakin, Lamb, Lambeth, Landon, Lane, Langsdorff, Langton, Lansester, Laurance, Laverick, Law, Lawley, Lawrence, Lea, Leadbeater, Leas, Lee, Leech, Lees, Leigher, Leivy, Leonard, Leryd, Lester, Lewis, Lexauer, Lidney, Lincoln, Line, Linfelt, Lingane, Lingard, Linthwaite, Litchfield, Little, Littlewood, Living, Livingstone, Lloyd, Lock, Loman, Lord, Lorett, Lowe, Lowley, Loynes, Lucas, Luck, Luckett, Luckyers, Ludlow, Luke, Lunt, Lusty, Luton, Lynes.

MackDonald, MacKee, MacKie, MackLane, Madden, Maddick, Maddocks, Maening, Maiven, Male, Malin, Mallet, Mallinson, Malpass, Mander, Manks, Mann, Mansell, Mantle, Mapp, Mapplebeck, Maris, Marroitt, Marsh, Marshall, Marson, Marston, Martibays, Martin, Mason, Massey, Masson, Masten, Masters, Masterson, Mastey, Mathewman, Mathews, Matts, May, Mayers, McCabe, McCarthy, McCarty, McDermott, McDonald, McHugh, McKey, McLeod, McRowe, McShee, McTurk, Meanley, Mee, Meliney, Meller, Mellon, Meyer, Middleton, Midwinter, Mildig, Miles, Millard, Miller, Mills, Millward, Milton, Mitchell, Monk, Moon, Moone, Moore, Mopson, Moress, Moreton, Morgan, Mornall, Morris, Morriss, Morse, Mortibogs, Morton, Moseley, Moss, Motson, Mould, Moune, Mountford, Mountuey, Mouror, Mullins, Munslow, Murdin, Mustrave.

Nall, Nash, Neal, Neale, New, Newport, Newsome, Newton, Niblet, Nicholls, Nichols, Nicholson, Nicklin, Nickolls, Nickools, Nicoll, Nightengale, Nimes, Nixon, Norbury, Normington, Nowell, Nowness.

Oakes, Offeringham, Okeford, Oldaker, Onions, Orbell, Orben, Orchard, Osborne, Overton, Owen, Owens.

Pace, Packwood, Paddock, Page, Pagett, Palina, Palmer, Palser, Pardoe, Parker, Parkes, Parks, Parnham, Parsonage, Parsons, Parter, Parton, Partridge, Payne, Peace, Peacock, Pearce, Pearks, Pearsall, Pearson, Pedley, Peleky, Pellam, Pemberton, Pendleton, Penny, Percy, Perham, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Perter, Phesie, Phillips, Phipps, Pichared, Pickard, Pickaway, Pickering, Piddington, Piddock, Pike, Pimble, Pink, Piper, Plaice, Plamplin, Plante, Plasting, Podmore, Pool, Poole, Pope, Porter, Portlock, Potham, Potter, Poulson, Powell, Power, Powers, Powis, Poyser, Pratt, Prestall, Preston, Preyenor, Price, Prichett, Priddy, Pridmore, Priest, Prior, Pritchard, Pritchett, Prosser, Protherio, Pugh, Punsall, Purcell, Pursall, Pywell.

Raban, Radford, Rainsford, Ralph, Ranshaw, Ravenhall, Rawlings, Rawlins, Rawson, Raynor, Rea, Read, Reading, Reddall, Redmon, Reed, Reeves, Reid, Reiner, Rennie, Reveraill, Reynolds, Reynoles, Rhoden, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Ridding, Ridduck, Ridware, Rigby, Riley, Ritchie, Roath, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Roden, Rodney, Rogers, Rollason, Ropers, Rose, Rostill, Rotley, Rounce, Round, Row, Rowe, Rowley, Rudd, Russell, Ruston, Ryan, Ryder, Ryecroft, Sadler.

Salisburgh, Salmon, Sanders, Sandford, Sargeant, Savage, Savatand, Savige, Saw, Scambles, Scandrett, Scattergood, Scott, Scrag, Seaburn, Sedgley, Seeley, Sezner, Shackle, Shakespear, Shale, Shales, Sharratt, Shaw, Sheat, Sheath, Sheet, Sheldon, Shenton, Sheriden, Sherwood, Sheward, Shimell, Shingles, Shipley, Shirttand, Shorthouse, Shuard, Shuttleworth, Siebe, Silvers, Silvester, Simcox, Simms, Simpson, Singleton, Sinkins, Siviter, Skelch, Skelton, Skinne, Skinner, Slaney, Sleigh, Smallwood, Smart, Smethurst, Smith, Spencer, Spikes, Spooner, Staice, Stallard, Standley, Stanford, Stanley, State, Statham, Stell, Stephens, Steven, Stevens, Stevenson, Steward, Stimkiss, Stines, Stinton, Stokes, Streton, Stringer, Stubbs, Suffield, Sulivan, Sullivan, Summers, Summerton, Surngewood, Sutcliffe, Sutton, Swale, Swan, Swann, Sweet, Sweetman, Sweets, Swingler, Swoffer, Sylvester.

Taft, Tandy, Tanner, Tarone, Tarry, Taunton, Taylor, Teague, Teakle, Tedstone, Tete, Thacker, Thames, Thernton, Thistlewood, Thomas, Thompson, Thorncroft, Thornley, Thornton, Tides, Tilley, Timbs, Timlett, Timson, Tinsbury, Todd, Tolley, Tombs, Townsend, Toynes, Tranter, Trapp, Treadwell, Trickett, Trinder, Trinell, Truemn, Tumpenny, Tupper, Turnbull, Turner, Turrile, Turton, Turvey, Twine, Tye.

Umbers, Underhill, Underwood, Upton.

Vallis, Vaughn, Vedsey, Vernon, Vessey, Vin, Vincent, Viner, Vinton.

Wade, Wager, Wagstaff, Wakeman, Wakman, Waldron, Walhen, Walker, Wall, Walls, Walpole, Walters, Walton, Wanless, Wanningham, Ward, Waring, Watkin, Watkins, Watmore, Watson, Watts, Wealer, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weller, Wellington, Welliss, Wells, West, Westbury, Westlake, Westware, Westwood, Wheatley, Wheeler, Whelan, Whelen, Whiles, White, Whitehouse, Whittecker, Wier, Wiggin, Wigine, Wilcox, Wild, Wilden, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, William, Williams, Willis, Wilshaw, Wilson, Wim, Wood, Woodcock, Woodford, Woodgate, Woodlock, Woodress, Woodward, Woolf, Woolley, Woom, Wordsworth, Workman, Worrall, Wort, Wragg, Wren, Wright, Wrighten, Wrigley, Wynne.

Yates, Yendall, Young.

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