Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2149 (Birmingham - St. Philip)

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UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abel, Abell, Abraham, Adams, Adcock, Aingworth, Ainswoth, Airs, Albert, Alhior, Allcock, Allday, Alldridge, Allen, Allport, Allridge, Altvater, Anderton, Andrews, Ansell, Anstey, Archer, Armstrong, Arnett, Arthars, Ashbury, Ashby, Asher, Ashmore, Ashwell, Askey, Aspinall, Astley, Aston, Atkins, Atkinson, Attfield, Attrick, Augrave, Avery, Aylward, Aymer, Ayres.

Bach, Bagnall, Bagshaw, Bailey, Bainaly, Baker, Bakewell, Balantyne, Baldrick, Baldwin, Bale, Ballard, Bamfield, Barber, Barker, Barley, Barlow, Barnard, Barnes, Barnett, Barniss, Barrett, Barringer, Barron, Barrow, Barrs, Bartle, Bartlett, Barton, Barwell, Basham, Bashford, Bassett, Bastable, Batchelor, Bate, Bateman, Bates, Bathfield, Bathurst, Baxter, Bayfield, Bayliss, Beach, Beadle, Beardman, Beasely, Beaufoy, Beckingdale, Beddoe, Bedworth, Beech, Beesley, Beetlestone, Belcher, Bell, Bellamy, Belton, Beluaves, Benick, Bennett, Benns, Benson, Bentley, Berks, Berry, Best, Betters, Betts, Beyfus, Biddle, Billson, Bilsdon, Binley, Binnett, Birbeck, Bird, Birming, Bish, Bishop, Bisley, Bissell, Blackeman, Blackwell, Bladon, Blaney, Bliss, Blissard, Blissett, Bliyan, Bloor, Blore, Blount, Blower, Blunenthal, Bluney, Blunn, Blunt, Boaler, Boddington, Boffin, Bolding, Bolt, Bolton, Bolyani, Bond, Bonehill, Bonehull, Boniford, Bontell, Boonham, Booth, Boraston, Borditt, Bosley, Boston, Bothen, Bott, Boucher, Boulton, Bourke, Bourne, Bowbank, Bowen, Bowm, Bowman, Boyce, Boyster, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brady, Braise, Bramich, Branaghan, Branson, Bray, Brazer, Breadon, Breedon, Brencett, Brett, Brice, Bright, Brindley, Brinkworth, Briscall, Briscoe, Brittain, Britwell, Broadhurst, Brockhouse, Brockliss, Bromley, Bromwich, Bronley, Brookes, Brooks, Brown, Browne, Brownlow, Bruyshurs, Bryan, Buckell, Buckhouse, Buckland, Buckle, Bucknall, Bucknell, Budd, Bull, Bullits, Bullock, Bundy, Bunn, Burabow, Burch, Burdett, Burgoyne, Burk, Burke, Burley, Burlow, Burnett, Burnley, Burnston, Burraston, Burrows, Burstow, Burton, Burtor, Bush, Buston, Buswell, Butcher, Butler, Buttler, Buy, Byrne, Bywater.

Cadby, Cain, Caldicott, Cantrell, Cantrill, Capman, Caradine, Carey, Carlon, Carlow, Carr, Carradine, Carroll, Carter, Cartright, Cartwright, Castle, Castley, Caterer, Cattrell, Cawfield, Cecil, Chadwin, Challener, Chambers, Chance, Chandler, Chaplin, Chapman, Charles, Chart, Chatwin, Chell, Cheshire, Chesshire, Chester, Child, Chillingworth, Chippendale, Chittenden, Churchill, Clamp, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Cleaver, Cleghorn, Cleino, Clements, Clifford, Clifton, Clunas, Clutturbuch, Coates, Cobley, Cockrill, Coggan, Coghlan, Cohen, Colduck, Cole, Coleman, Coley, Colles, Collier, Collins, Conelly, Coney, Connely, Conner, Conroy, Constable, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Copeland, Copner, Copsey, Corbett, Cordwell, Corne, Corner, Coster, Cottrell, Coulon, Cousin, Cowx, Cox, Coxon, Creamer, Creswell, Crew, Crispin, Critchlau, Critchley, Crofts, Crompton, Cropp, Cross, Crow, Crowder, Crowther, Crummick, Cryer, Cummins, Currall, Currier, Curtis, Cusack.

D Arate, Dabbs, Daives, Dalahunt, Dale, Daniel, Daniels, Danks, Darby, Dasek, Daves, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Daws, Dawson, Day, Deackins, Deakin, Dealey, Dean, Dee, Deeley, Del Poya, Delaney, Dell, Dempsey, Denden, Denham, Denton, Derry, Devereux, Dickens, Dickson, Dillon, Dingley, Dixon, Dixtor, Dodd, Doddington, Doharety, Dolan, Dollman, Dolphin, Done, Donovan, Doody, Dorney, Dorrell, Dowell, Dowey, Downes, Downey, Downing, Dowson, Draper, Dredge, Drew, Drum, Dryhurst, Dudley, Dugmore, Dunah, Dunn, Dutton, Dyer, Dyke, Dyson.

Eades, Eagles, Earl, Easton, Echevrsia, Edge, Edgehill, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Egginton, Eglinton, Ekin, Elcox, Elinor, Elks, Elliot, Ellis, Ellison, Else, Elston, Embleton, Emblow, Emmens, Emuss, English, Eningham, Ennis, Eskell, Ethington, Evans, Everall, Everett, Everton, Evesham, Ewart.

Fairfax, Fallows, Fanning, Fantham, Far, Fardon, Farmer, Farnell, Farr, Farrington, Faulkener, Featherston, Feist, Feldin, Fellows, Felton, Fenn, Feran, Feuld, Field, Fielding, Fields, Firkins, Fisher, Fitzpatrick, Fleming, Flemming, Fletcher, Flint, Flockley, Flower, Focten, Foden, Fogle, Forbes, Ford, Fordan, Forman, Formby, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Foxwell, Foy, Frances, Francis, Franklin, Franks, Fraser, Freeman, Frejis, French, Friday, Frisby, Frodsham, Frost, Fry, Fryer, Fulford, Fuller.

Gailey, Gale, Gallagher, Ganner, Garbett, Gardiner, Gardner, Garner, Garnet, Garrad, Garratt, Garricks, Gateley, Gaunders, Gaunt, Gavrich, Gee, Gent, George, Gerbers, Gibbins, Gibbs, Giddins, Gifford, Gilbert, Giles, Gilespy, Gill, Gillmore, Gilman, Gilmer, Gimletelle, Gittins, Gleam, Glover, Goddard, Godrich, Godson, Godwin, Goldingay, Goodall, Goodfellow, Goodhall, Goodman, Gordon, Gossage, Gould, Govyrn, Gowman, Grafton, Granger, Grant, Grantham, Gravall, Gray, Greatbach, Greaves, Green, Greensell, Gregory, Greves, Grew, Griffiths, Grone, Grosmith, Grove, Grovecock, Grubham, Grumble, Grundy, Guest, Gullock, Gundell, Gunnery, Gwynne.

Haddock, Haden, Hadkinson, Hadley, Hadson, Haggell, Hague, Hailley, Haines, Hairs, Halden, Hale, Hales, Haligan, Hall, Hallam, Halliley, Hallily, Halston, Hames, Hammon, Hammond, Hamnett, Hampton, Hanbury, Hance, Hancocks, Hancox, Handbury, Handley, Hanmer, Hanner, Harbidge, Harding, Hardy, Hargreaves, Harman, Harnesste, Harniss, Harnney, Harris, Harrison, Harrisson, Hart, Harthill, Hartley, Harton, Harvey, Hastings, Haswell, Hather, Hatton, Haughton, Haw, Hawkes, Hawley, Hayes, Hayles, Haylor, Hayward, Head, Heath, Heaton, Helvins, Hemming, Henderson, Heningham, Hennill, Henshaw, Herbert, Heslop, Hethington, Hewes, Hewitt, Hewson, Heynes, Heys, Heyward, Heywood, Hiam, Hiatt, Hibberd, Hickling, Hickman, Hicks, Hide, Higgins, Higgitt, Higgs, Highland, Highway, Hilchman, Hildige, Hill, Hillack, Hilldige, Hillier, Hillman, Hindle, Hine, Hines, Hinton, Hiscox, Hitchman, Hobbins, Hobday, Hobson, Hodges, Hodgets, Hodgkins, Hodson, Hoil, Holday, Holdsworth, Holland, Hollands, Holliday, Hollingsworth, Holloway, Holmes, Holuntley, Holyhead, Homers, Hones, Hooper, Horben, Hordy, Horings, Horn, Hornby, Horton, Houlon, Houseman, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howes, Howkins, Howlett, Hoyse, Huban, Huband, Hubbard, Hudson, Hughes, Hulse, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunt, Huntington, Hurdman, Hussey, Hussy, Hutchinson, Hyde, Hylor.

Illtcher, Ingram, Inslay, Ireland, Iron, Ives.

Jackson, James, Jamieson, Janett, Jarvis, Jayce, Jeffcott, Jefferies, Jeffries, Jenkins, Jennings, Jephwart, Jessey, Jessop, Jester, Jewis, Jimes, Jinkins, Job, Joberms, Joberns, Johnson, Jolley, Jolson, Jones, Jordan, Jottesfield, Joy, Joyce, Joyner, Judd.

Keawords, Kebuks, Keeley, Keenely, Keenon, Keetland, Keightley, Kelley, Kelly, Kennearoy, Kennedy, Kent, Kerslake, Key, Keyworth, Kidgell, Kilby, King, Kirby, Kirk, Kleinenberg, Knight, Knights, Knill, Knott, Knowles, Kohler.

Lakin, Lamb, Lambert, Lambs, Land, Lane, Langan, Langley, Langston, Langthorn, Lanuckbury, Latbury, Laughton, Lawdon, Lawford, Lawrence, Lea, Leake, Lealy, Leary, Leatherland, Lee, Lees, Leese, Leeson, Legatt, Leoyell, Lesley, Lester, Leurs, Levi, Levick, Lewis, Lightman, Lines, Lingard, Linton, Lissete, Little, Littleproud, Littlewood, Lloyd, Locke, Lockley, Loney, Long, Longman, Lord, Loudon, Lowe, Loyd, Loyde, Lundy, Lunt, Lycett, Lye, Lynes, Lyon, Lyons.

Macefield, Machin, Mack, Macrow, Maddernan, Maddocks, Maddox, Madely, Mahon, Mainwaring, Makeon, Maley, Malins, Malkan, Mallett, Mallin, Maly, Mann, Manning, Mansell, March, Mard, Margetts, Maries, Markham, Marks, Marlow, Marries, Marris, Marsh, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Mason, Massey, Mathews, Mattheson, Matthews, Maude, Mawlliger, Mayer, McCann, McCracken, McDermott, McDonald, McEnnis, McEvoy, McGea, McKoor, McLean, Mc'Lintock, McManas, McTighe, Meades, Medgley, Mee, Mellor, Melville, Mercer, Merrell, Merryweather, Messenger, Metcalf, Middlemore, Middleton, Might, Miles, Mill, Millburn, Millder, Miller, Milles, Millington, Mills, Millward, Milward, Minett, Mitchell, Mitcher, Monagen, Monk, Montas, Moore, Moorley, Moreton, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Morrish, Morsthew, Mortemore, Morton, Mott, Mountyn, Mulihill, Mullarkey, Mulliner, Mullins, Mumford, Munsh, Murfin, Murphy, Murray, Myatt, Myers.

Naple, Nash, Nathan, Naul, Neal, Needle, Nellington, Newbold, Newbury, Newell, Newey, Newsome, Newton, Nicholls, Nichols, Nicklin, Nock, Noon, Noons, Norman, Northend, Northwood, Norton, Nowncroff, Nutt.

Oadams, Oakes, Oates, OBrian, OBrien, Oldaker, Oldershaw, Oldham, Oligan, Orme, Orsborn, Osborn, Oseman, Osmond, O'Toole, Overton, Owen, Owens.

Packer, Page, Paget, Pagett, Paine, Palmer, Parker, Parkes, Parrott, Parry, Parsonage, Parsons, Partridge, Pasmore, Pass, Passant, Pate, Paul, Paulson, Payne, Peadley, Pearce, Pearman, Pearson, Peart, Pemberton, Penn, Percy, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Pester, Peter, Peters, Pettipher, Peyton, Pheasey, Philip, Philips, Phillips, Phipps, Pickard, Pincher, Pinckstone, Pincott, Pitchford, Pitt, Platt, Pleace, Plowman, Plumsner, Pool, Poole, Poolton, Porter, Portter, Portway, Postans, Poston, Potter, Potts, Poulton, Pountney, Powell, Power, Pratt, Pratte, Preece, Preston, Price, Priest, Prince, Pritchard, Prosser, Pryce, Pugh, Pulsford, Purnell, Pursall, Purser. Qualter.

Rackham, Randell, Randle, Rann, Ranney, Rasire, Ratcliffe, Rathbone, Rawlins, Ray, Rea, Read, Reddell, Redding, Reed, Rees, Reeve, Reeves, Regan, Reiel, Relly, Renveid, Reynolds, Richards, Richardson, Ricketts, Riddell, Riley, Rimmer, Ringgills, Rip, Roan, Robb, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Robson, Roden, Rodgers, Rogers, Rollason, Rollison, Rolls, Rookes, Roper, Rose, Ross, Round, Rourk, Rout, Row, Rowe, Rowland, Rowley, Rualter, Rudland, Russell, Rustlow, Ryder, Ryton.

Sabin, Saddler, Sadler, Sadlier, Sale, Salter, Sandalls, Sander, Sanders, Sargant, Sargeant, Satler, Savory, Scandrett, Scetune, Scott, Scrivener, Scrivens, Scruton, Seabum, Seale, Sears, Seaton, Seide, Selley, Selvey, Serridge, Seton, Setterton, Shackell, Shackwell, Sharman, Sharp, Sharrott, Shaw, Shearman, Shears, Sheffield, Shelley, Shelton, Sheppard, Sherewood, Sheriff, Sherman, Sherriff, Shields, Shilcock, Shipley, Shippey, Shipway, Shirley, Short, Shoules, Showell, Silvester, Simcox, Simkin, Simms, Simon, Simons, Simpson, Sims, Singleton, Sipway, Skane, Skerrett, Skidmore, Slade, Slate, Slater, Sleigh, Slide, Smallman, Smallwood, Smart, Smeton, Smith, Smythe, Snape, Snell, Snow, Soden, Somerville, Sorton, Sossa, Southall, Southnell, Spencer, Spicer, Spittle, Spokes, Spratley, Spriggs, Stacklard, Stafford, Stainforth, Standley, Stanford, Stanley, Stanster, Stanton, Starling, Steadman, Stefeney, Steinfeld, Stephens, Stephenson, Stepherson, Stepner, Stevens, Stevenson, Steventon, Still, Stirrop, Stockdale, Stocke, Stockman, Stoddart, Stokes, Stome, Stone, Storer, Street, Suckling, Suffield, Sugar, Sulivan, Sullivan, Sunderland, Sutton, Swain, Swan, Swanson, Swanwick, Sweetman, Swift, Swindon, Swingler, Symonds, Syson.

Talbut, Tarnbrook, Tarver, Taunt, Taylor, Tease, Terraby, Tew, Thacker, Thedy, Thickbroom, Thomas, Thompson, Thorp, Thorpe, Tildsley, Timmins, Tingle, Tipmore, Tisley, Todd, Togwell, Toice, Toll, Tomkins, Tomson, Tonks, Townley, Townsend, Toy, Tranter, Treadwell, Trehearn, Trigger, Trindle, Trupp, Tucker, Tuckey, Tunstall, Turley, Turner, Turrell, Tustan, Tustin, Tyler, Tysall, Tyson.

Underhill, Underwood.

Vale, Vaughan, Verney, Villani, Villiers, Viney, Vivash, Vivian, Voisey, Vowles.

Wade, Wadley, Wadlow, Wadsworth, Wagstaff, Wain, Wainwright, Waldron, Walford, Waling, Walker, Wall, Wallington, Walls, Walsh, Walter, Walters, Walterson, Walton, Ward, Warden, Wardle, Ware, Wareham, Wareing, Warner, Warre, Warren, Warriss, Warton, Washington, Wasnidge, Waterland, Watkins, Watson, Watton, Watts, Weager, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Welch, Welcox, Weller, Wells, Weltam, Westwood, Wetherall, Whale, Whales, Wharton, Whately, Whatmore, Wheatly, Wheaver, Wheddon, Wheeler, Wheetman, Whellingham, Whilock, Whilton, Whitaker, White, Whitehall, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitlock, Whitmore, Whittaker, Whitton, Wickens, Wicksey, Wiggin, Wilde, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willett, Willey, Williams, Willis, Wills, Wilmot, Wilson, Wilton, Winfield, Winn, Winsor, Winspear, Winspeare, Winters, Wisehnegedon, Wismall, Withington, Woad, Woakes, Wolf, Wood, Woodcock, Wooding, Woodman, Woodward, Woodyall, Woolland, Woolley, Wootten, Worcester, Worley, Worrad, Worsey, Worthington, Wouro, Wright, Wrotham, Wynn, Wynne.

Yates, Young.

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