Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2156 (Birmingham (St George))

Link to 2156 zipped version here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Adams, Adey, Adkins, Ainsworth, Akers, Alcock, Allcock, Allen, Alletree, Allsop, Anderson, Andrews, Anscombe, Anstice, Appleby, Archer, Armes, Armfield, Arnold, Arnot, Arrowsmith, Ashby, Ashford, Ashmall, Ashmore, Ashow, Astle, Aston, Astons, Atkins, Avins.

Badeley, Bagley, Baker, Bakim, Baldwin, Ball, Bambrook, Baniter, Banks, Barer, Barlow, Barnall, Barnes, Barrett, Barrington, Barton, Barwick, Basset, Bate, Bateman, Bates, Baugham, Bawcutt, Baxter, Bayliss, Beans, Beard, Bedford, Bedger, Beech, Belcher, Bell, Bengley, Bennet, Bennett, Bennite, Benton, Bevan, Bewley, Bickertton, Bickley, Biddle, Biddulph, Billing, Billingham, Billingsley, Birch, Birck, Bird, Birkin, Birks, Birtles, Bixby, Blackburn, Blackham, Blake, Blaze, Blese, Bloomer, Bloxham, Blyth, Boddington, Boddison, Boddy, Boden, Boff, Boles, Bolton, Bond, Bonehill, Boocock, Boraston, Bostock, Bothley, Botley, Bottoms, Bough, Boughton, Boulton, Bowdler, Bowen, Bowles, Box, Bradburn, Bradbury, Bradford, Bradley, Bradly, Bradney, Bragg, Brailsford, Brain, Brandon, Branington, Braymont, Brecknell, Breer, Breese, Brewin, Bricknell, Bridge, Briggs, Broadhead, Brofort, Bromwich, Brooks, Broome, Brown, Brownhill, Bruce, Brueton, Bryne, Buchanan, Buck, Buckley, Bucklington, Bullock, Bun, Bunn, Buntley, Burbage, Burbury, Burke, Burnett, Burrell, Busby, Bushall, Bushton, Buston, Buswell, Butland, Butler, Butter, Butwell.

Caine, Calagan, Caldicut, Caldwell, Campbell, Cane, Caney, Canliff, Carpenter, Carr, Carrington, Cartledge, Cartney, Cartwaller, Cartwright, Carver, Carwardine, Cashmore, Catarcus, Cato, Cays, Chad, Challingworth, Chamberlain, Chambers, Charie, Chatwin, Cherlton, Cheshire, Child, Childe, Chillingworth, Chiswell, Church, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Clements, Clewer, Clews, Cline, Cobourne, Coburne, Cocks, Coggins, Colbeck, Cole, Colley, Collier, Collins, Combes, Connoly, Cook, Cooknell, Cooksey, Cooney, Cooper, Cope, Copers, Corbett, Corwin, Cosely, Costin, Coton, Course, Courts, Cowell, Cowley, Cox, Coxon, Crannage, Cree, Crisp, Cross, Crossbee, Crouch, Crump, Crutchley, Culverhouse, Cunningham, Cupring.

Dair, Dale, Dalton, Darby, Darlaston, Darral, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Daws, Dawson, Deakin, Dean, Deay, Deely, Deem, Deer, Delaney, Demery, Derrick, Derrington, Derry, Devey, Deykes, Dignan, Dillon, Dodd, Doherty, Dolan, Donelly, Doughty, Downes, Dowswell, Doyle, Drew, Drinkwater, Duffell, Dugmore, Duke, Dun, Dutton, Dwyer, Dyer, Dyles.

Eades, Eagle, Earp, East, Easthorpe, Eathcote, Echall, Ecott, Edge, Edgerton, Edkins, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Egan, Egginton, Eldershaw, Elliott, Ellis, Elve, Ensor, Eston, Evans, Eyre.

Fairly, Falconbridge, Fallan, Farmer, Farrall, Fatom, Faulkener, Faulkner, Fawkes, Feamly, Fellows, Felvus, Felwin, Fenwick, Fidler, Field, Fieldhouse, Filler, Finchley, Findon, Finney, Fitse, Fitzmaurice, Fitzpatrick, Flanagan, Flanagin, Fletcher, Flint, Flooyd, Ford, Forster, Forth, Foster, Fotheringham, Fox, Francis, Fraser, Fray, Frayne, Freedom, Freeman, Freeth, French, Frew, Friend, Fryer, Fullwood.

Gardener, Gardner, Garfield, Garner, Garraway, Garridy, Gee, George, Gerthing, Gibbons, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Ginnty, Glover, Gloves, Goodall, Goodwin, Gorle, Gorling, Gough, Gower, Grant, Graves, Gray, Grayhurst, Grayson, Grease, Greaves, Green, Greenings, Gregory, Gremmell, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grigg, Grimes, Grimley, Groom, Groves, Gubbins, Guesh, Gurney, Gyse.

Hadden, Haddock, Haden, Hadley, Haines, Hale, Hales, Hall, Hallum, Haly, Hampson, Hancocks, Hancox, Handley, Hands, Hanks, Hanmer, Hanson, Hansons, Harbach, Hardemont, Harding, Hardy, Hargrove, Harper, Harrald, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartel, Harthill, Hartland, Harup, Harvey, Harwood, Hathaway, Hatton, Hawatt, Hawkes, Hawkings, Hawkins, Haycock, Hayes, Haywood, Head, Heath, Heatley, Heaton, Heazall, Henbury, Heppingstall, Herbert, Hewitt, Hewson, Hibell, Hickman, Hicks, Higgs, Hiley, Hill, Hincks, Hinks, Hipkiss, Hitch, Hitchens, Hobbs, Hobday, Hodges, Hodgets, Holaway, Holden, Holder, Holdsworth, Holland, Hollins, Hollis, Hollyoake, Holmes, Holtom, Holyoake, Homer, Homes, Hooson, Hope, Horwell, Howell, Huband, Hubbal, Huchinson, Hudson, Huff, Hug, Huggins, Hughes, Humphreys, Hunt, Hurly, Hutall, Huxtable, Hythe.

Ilsey, Imsin, Ison.

Jackinson, Jackson, Jaggers, James, Jarrett, Jefcoate, Jefferey, Jeffress, Jeffs, Jelfs, Jenkins, Jennings, Joesbury, Johnson, Johnston, Johnstone, Jones, Joseph, Judd, Judge, Jukes.

Keay, Keen, Kelly, Kemp, Kendall, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kennett, Kenny, Kenrick, Kent, Kettley, Kieling, Kight, Kilday, Killoran, Kimbell, Kimberly, King, Kingham, Kirk, Kirwan, Kite, Knapp, Kneale, Knibb, Knight, Knowles, Kynaston.

Lack, Ladbury, Lamb, Lambert, Lambra, Lancaster, Lancnett, Landford, Lane, Lanly, Large, Laughton, Laverton, Lavin, Law, Lawden, Lawrence, Laws, Lawtam, Lazarus, Lea, Leaver, Lee, Leedham, Lees, Lester, Leverett, Levi, Lewin, Lewis, Liggins, Lilsley, Limmer, Lindley, Line, Lines, Lingard, Linker, Linney, Lissmore, Littlehales, Lloyd, Lock, Long, Longmore, Lovell, Loveridge, Lovett, Lowe, Lowry, Lucas, Luff, Lukes, Lumsden, Lutwyche.

MacDonald, Makepeace, Malloy, Manners, Mansell, Mansfield, Marlow, Marquis, Marriss, Marsh, Marshall, Marson, Marston, Martin, Mason, Masters, Mather, Matthew, Matthews, Mauk, Maxwell, Mayo, McCagh, McCarty, McCaughey, McCormick, McCurnock, McFarnol, McGary, McKee, McKensey, McKewan, McMaine, McNielty, McShee, Meanley, Meek, Meggitt, Mellon, Merchant, Merrideth, Messenger, Mewes, Middleton, Midgley, Miles, Miller, Mills, Miln, Milward, Mitchel, Mitchell, Mocock, Molesworth, Montgomery, Moon, Moore, Moran, Mordan, Morgan, Morley, Morrall, Morris, Morriss, Morse, Morton, Morwood, Moseley, Moss, Mottram, Muloney, Mumford, Murphy, Murray, Myring.

Napoleon, Nash, Naylor, Neal, Neel, Nelson, Nest, Nevill, New, Newey, Newton, Nicholls, Nicklin, Nighe.

Oakeley, Oakes, Oakley, O'connor, Octer, Oliver, Onions, Oram, Orme, Oughton, Owen.

Paddy, Page, Pakeman, Palmer, Palstom, Pane, Panter, Pardoe, Parey, Parish, Parker, Parkes, Parkin, Parkins, Parry, Parson, Parsons, Partridge, Paton, Patrick, Payne, Payton, Peach, Pearce, Pearsall, Pearson, Peet, Penn, Pepall, Perks, Perrin, Perrins, Perry, Perryman, Peters, Phelps, Phillips, Phipps, Picey, Picken, Pickering, Pidgeon, Piekin, Pike, Pilson, Pinchess, Pinner, Pippin, Pitt, Pittaway, Plum, Ponington, Pool, Poole, Pope, Porter, Portman, Postan, Potts, Powell, Power, Pratt, Price, Prichard, Priddy, Priestley, Prince, Pritchard, Pritchett, Proctor, Pugh, Purson, Pye.

Rabone, Raby, Ramsden, Randall, Ratcliffe, Ray, Raymond, Rea, Readdell, Reading, Redding, Reeves, Reives, Rennolds, Renwick, Restall, Rew, Reynold, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richard, Richards, Richardson, Rickets, Rickward, Rider, Ridley, Rigby, Riley, Roaper, Robatham, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Rollason, Rollins, Rooke, Room, Rose, Ross, Round, Rowland, Royds, Rushton, Russell, Ruston, Ryall, Ryder.

Salles, Sanders, Sanigar, Sarke, Satchel, Savage, Sawcer, Sawyer, Scott, Scrivden, Scrivens, Seally, Sears, Sere, Shakespear, Shakespere, Shakspeare, Shale, Sharman, Sharmon, Sharp, Shaw, Sheldon, Shencle, Shenton, Shepherd, Sherim, Sherlock, Sherwin, Shillcock, Shipway, Shorley, Shuker, Shuttleworth, Silk, Simmons, Simpsom, Sims, Slait, Slide, Sly, Small, Smallman, Smith, Snape, Sole, Spilsbury, Spink, Spooner, Stamer, Staniard, Stanley, Stanton, Stapleton, Starkey, Statham, Steary, Steed, Steele, Stewart, Stoakes, Stocker, Stokes, Stoley, Streton, Stretton, Stringer, Strumor, Strut, Stubbs, Stych, Styles, Sullivan, Sutcliffe, Sutherland, Swain, Swakes, Swan, Swift, Swinburne.

Tackle, Tandy, Tansley, Taunt, Taylor, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Thorley, Thorn, Thornton, Thorpe, Tibbetts, Tibbins, Tidman, Tierney, Till, Tillorley, Timms, Tipper, Tipping, Tolster, Tongue, Tonkinson, Tonks, Tonshal, Tool, Tooth, Toy, Trafford, Tranter, Trew, Truman, Tunnington, Turner, Tyer, Tyrer.


Vaughan, Vaughton, Vose.

Wague, Waine, Wakefield, Wakelam, Wakelin, Walker, Wall, Walles, Walls, Walsh, Walters, Walton, Warburton, Ward, Waron, Warren, Warwick, Wate, Waterson, Watkins, Watt, Watton, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Wedgbury, Welch, Welland, Wellings, Weston, Wetherall, Whatton, Wheatley, Whetley, Whiston, White, Whitehouse, Whitfield, Whitnall, Whittall, Whitworth, Wicks, Wight, Wigley, Wilder, Wildsmith, Wilkes, Wilkinson, Willerton, Willets, Williams, Willis, Willmott, Wills, Wilmot, Wilson, Windsor, Winkle, Winkles, Winold, Wire, Wise, Withers, Witlow, Wolland, Wood, Woodcock, Woodward, Woolaston, Wooley, Woolley, Woolston, Wooton, Wootton, Word, Wored, Workman, Worlton, Worrall, Worrod, Worthington, Worwood, Wotton, Wright, Wynn.

Yenn, Yeomans.

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