Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2161 (Birmingham (St George))

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UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abbot, Abbott, Acton, Adams, Adcock, Addicott, Adier, Ager, Akers, Albrighton, Alexander, Allbutt, Allcourt, Allen, Allport, Allsop, Alsop, Ambers, Anderton, Andrews, Arbage, Archer, Armstrong, Arnold, Arrowsmith, Asbury, Ashbourn, Ashby, Ashford, Ashton, Aston, Axall, Axham.

Baddeley, Badhams, Badkin, Bagshaw, Bailey, Baker, Bakewell, Balanger, Baldwin, Ball, Barber, Barker, Barnard, Barnett, Barratt, Barrett, Barry, Bartlett, Barton, Basford, Bassett, Bastable, Bastock, Bate, Baxter, Bayliss, Bayton, Beach, Beard, Beardmore, Beck, Bedwell, Belcher, Benn, Bennet, Bennett, Bent, Bentley, Benton, Betridge, Betts, Bevens, Bibb, Biddle, Billingham, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Bissell, Blackwell, Blews, Bloomer, Bloxham, Blunn, Boddison, Bolt, Bolton, Bolus, Boot, Booth, Boston, Bott, Boulton, Bourne, Bowater, Bowers, Bowes, Bowker, Bowler, Bowskill, Bradbury, Bradford, Bradley, Bragg, Brain, Brant, Bray, Brazier, Brecknell, Bridgins, Brighton, Brindley, Britt, Brookes, Brooks, Broomfield, Brotherton, Brown, Brueton, Buckley, Buff, Bullivant, Bullock, Bulpitt, Bunnell, Burgess, Burke, Burns, Burrows, Burton, Busby, Bush, Bushell, Butcher, Butler, Butt, Bye, Byrne, Bywater, Byworth.

Cadby, Caffry, Cairns, Caldecutt, Cambell, Capewell, Carne, Carraway, Carter, Cattell, Cauldwell, Causer, Cecil, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chambling, Chapman, Charter, Chatfield, Chattaway, Chatterley, Cheatham, Cheffins, Chelton, Chiles, Chilton, Church, Clark, Clarke, Clarks, Clayton, Clements, Clemson, Clewley, Clifton, Cloves, Clutterbuck, Coates, Cocksey, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Colesby, Coley, Colley, Collier, Collins, Collyer, Conlon, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Copley, Corbett, Cordwill, Corns, Cornwell, Corser, Costello, Cotterell, Cotterill, Cotton, Cottrell, Coulder, Couley, Cowan, Cowdrill, Cox, Coxon, Craig, Crawford, Cresser, Criddings, Crisp, Croft, Crompton, Crosby, Crouch, Crowley, Crumpton, Cullis, Culliss, Cummings, Cutler.

Dace, Dale, Dallard, Dance, Daniels, Danks, Darby, Darrall, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Day, De Beard, Deakin, Dean, Deatman, Deeley, Delahay, Demery, Derrington, Dewsbury, Dingley, Dipple, Docker, Dodd, Doley, Donovan, Doody, Doram, Dorney, Douglas, Dovey, Drayton, Dudley, Dugard, Dunn, Dunsby, Durer, Durham, Dyer.

Eades, Eadon, Earp, Eaves, Eccleston, Edge, Edgley, Edmonds, Edwards, Eggerton, Eggerty, Egginton, Ellis, Emery, Endall, English, Essex, Ester, Eustace, Evans, Everall.

Farley, Farrell, Faulkner, Feeney, Feldson, Felton, Fentham, Fenton, Fereday, Ferguson, Fern, Field, Firkin, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzer, Fletcher, Floyd, Fomes, Ford, Foster, Fowke, Fowkes, Fowler, Francis, Fretwell, Friday, Frost, Fullard, Fullwood, Fulwood.

Gadd, Gales, Galiford, Gamble, Garbett, Gardener, Garner, Garratt, Garvin, Gaskin, Gee, Genks, Geordon, Gerard, Gerrard, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gillespie, Gillman, Gimbert, Girling, Glover, Goode, Goodhead, Gorman, Gosling, Grace, Granfield, Grant, Gray, Greathead, Greatrex, Greaves, Green, Greenway, Gregory, Gretton, Grey, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grindle, Grocutt, Groom, Groves, Gubbins, Guest.

Hackett, Haddon, Hadley, Hale, Hall, Hampton, Hancox, Handley, Hands, Hanley, Hanman, Harbon, Hardy, Hare, Harper, Harries, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Hartland, Harvey, Hasler, Hathaway, Haughter, Haunslow, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawkswood, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Headley, Heale, Heath, Heaton, Heeley, Hemming, Henley, Hennitt, Henslet, Heron, Hewer, Hewitt, Hewson, Heynes, Hickman, Hidson, Hill, Hinkley, Hinks, Hipkiss, Hobday, Hocking, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkinson, Hodgkiss, Hodson, Holbutt, Holden, Holder, Holland, Hollins, Holloway, Hollyoak, Holmes, Holt, Homer, Hood, Hook, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Horton, Hough, Howard, Howe, Howell, Hubles, Hudson, Huff, Hugh, Hughan, Hughes, Humphreys, Hunt, Hunter, Hurlstone, Hurst, Hutton, Hyde.

Illsley, Ilsley, Ingram, Inmfull, Iveson.

Jackson, Jacobs, James, Jarvis, Jasper, Jefferiss, Jelphs, Jelps, Jennings, Jinks, Joesbury, Johnson, Johnston, Jolly, Jones, Judd, Jukes.

Kates, Kearney, Keating, Keay, Keeling, Keightley, Kemp, Kendrick, Kent, Kergwin, Kerry, Key, Kibby, Kifen, Kimberley, King, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkham, Kitchen, Kite, Knight, Knowles.

Lacriff, Lamb, Lambert, Landon, Lane, Langford, Langston, Lapworth, Large, Latham, Lawley, Lawrence, Laws, Leak, Lee, Lees, Leighton, Leonard, Lesson, Lewis, Lilley, Limage, Line, Lines, Linford, Lisemore, Lissman, Litchfield, Lloyd, Lloyde, Lockley, Long, Loshober, Lovatt, Lovell, Lowe, Lucas, Luckett, Luckman, Ludford, Lupson, Lycet.

Mabbutt, Mac, Macefield, Machin, Mackay, Magee, Malady, Malin, Malpas, Mannison, Mantell, Marcott, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Marven, Maskell, Mason, Massingham, Matts, Mavin, Mc Arthur, Mc Carty, Mc Kay, Mc Nalty, McCarty, McCulloch, McKenzie, Meadley, Meers, Meeson, Mellows, Merrett, Merrick, Mervis, Messenger, Messinger, Middings, Midlam, Miller, Millichamp, Millington, Mills, Millwood, Minton, Mitchell, Monaghan, Moore, Moran, Morgan, Morrell, Morris, Moseley, Murray, Myatt.

Nailor, Naish, Nates, Nevill, Newell, Newey, Newman, Newton, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nock, Nokes, North.

Oliver, Olsen, Orbell, Ore, Orme, Osborn, Osborne, Owen, Oxford.

Pacey, Packer, Padmore, Paine, Palance, Pallett, Palmer, Parish, Parker, Parkes, Parkinson, Parr, Parry, Parsons, Partrick, Partridge, Payne, Peake, Pearson, Peat, Pendleton, Pendry, Penny, Perkin, Perkins, Perks, Perrins, Perry, Peters, Phelps, Phillips, Phipps, Pickersgill, Pimm, Pinson, Pitman, Place, Platt, Podmore, Poole, Pope, Popplewell, Porter, Postins, Pound, Pountney, Povey, Powel, Power, Pratt, Preston, Price, Priestland, Prima, Prime, Pritchard, Pritchet, Pritchett, Procter, Propert, Protheroe, Prueitt, Pugh, Purnell, Purser.

Qiney, Quarton.

Rabbon, Rabone, Radford, Rainbow, Raisbeck, Randall, Read, Reading, Reeves, Reynolds, Richards, Rickaby, Ricketts, Ridding, Rigby, Roberts, Robinson, Robotham, Rogers, Rollason, Roper, Rose, Ross, Roulston, Round, Routledge, Rowbotham, Rowlinson, Ruane, Rubber, Rudd, Rudge, Rudhall, Rushton, Russell, Ryan, Rydes, Ryland, Ryler.

Sabin, Saddler, Salmon, Salt, Sanders, Sandling, Sansom, Savage, Sayse, Scott, Scutt, Seddlis, Seward, Sexton, Shake, Shakeshaft, Sharpe, Shaw, Sheargild, Sheasby, Sheffield, Sheldon, Sheppard, Shepperd, Sherwin, Shilton, Shimwell, Shiner, Ship, Shipman, Shirley, Shotton, Shriglsey, Shuttleworth, Siddells, Simcox, Simkins, Simons, Simpson, Sims, Singleton, Slaney, Slaughter, Slee, Small, Smalley, Smallwood, Smith, Smithall, Smytherman, Snelus, Southall, Southell, Southern, Spaldon, Sparkes, Spencer, Spittle, Sprig, Squelch, Stait, Staite, Stanier, Stanley, Stansbie, Stansby, Starmer, Steadman, Stevens, Stewart, Stiff, Stirk, Stocker, Stokes, Stone, Stow, Street, Stringer, Succuk, Suckling, Swain, Swatkin, Swift, Swinbourn, Swinburn, Swingler, Synyer.

Tabberner, Talbot, Taylor, Tempest, Terry, Thomas, Thompson, Thornby, Thursfield, Timmins, Tipper, Tisdale, Toft, Tonks, Toukes, Townsend, Trevitt, Trueman, Truman, Tucker, Turner, Turville, Twigg, Tye.

Udale, Underhill, Upton.

Vale, Vaughan, Vincent, Vose.

Wadsworth, Wagstaf, Wagstaff, Waite, Wakelin, Wakes, Walford, Walker, Walker Lees, Wall, Wallbank, Wallis, Walsh, Walters, Walton, Wanklin, Warburton, Ward, Wardel, Wardell, Ware, Warner, Warren, Warwick, Wateley, Waterhouse, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Webb, Webster, Wedgbury, Welch, Wells, West, Westbury, Weston, Westwood, Wheeler, Whitby, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whittaker, Whittington, Whitworth, Wicks, Wicksey, Wilcox, Wilkes, Wilkie, Wilkins, William, Williams, Williamson, Willmore, Willson, Wilshaw, Wilson, Windley, Winfield, Wisedale, Withnall, Witton, Wolley, Wolliter, Wood, Woodall, Woodberry, Woodcock, Woodfull, Woodings, Woodward, Wooley, Wootton, Worrall, Wright.

Yardley, Yates, Yeates, Yeomans.

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