Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2163 (Birmingham (St George))

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UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abbott, Achurch, Ackrill, Adams, Aide, Aitken, Akers, Albutt, Alcock, Allday, Allden, Allen, Allgood, Allsop, Anclerto, Anderson, Anslow, Anstey, Arnold, Asbury, Ashbarry, Ashby, Ashford, Ashmead, Ashton, Aston, Atkins, Avery.

Babbington, Babington, Baddeley, Bagget, Bagnall, Bagshaw, Bailey, Baker, Bakewell, Ball, Banner, Bannister, Baraclough, Barlow, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barnwell, Barratt, Barrine, Barrow, Bartlam, Bartlett, Barton, Bassett, Bate, Bates, Baynes, Beamish, Beasley, Beaufoy, Beaumont, Beaver, Beck, Bedford, Bedington, Beech, Bellamy, Bennett, Bent, Bentley, Benton, Beswick, Bettam, Bickley, Biddle, Biddulph, Biles, Bill, Billing, Billingham, Billingsley, Bint, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Bisp, Blackburn, Blackstaff, Blyth, Bode, Bodington, Bolton, Bond, Bonser, Boot, Booth, Boswell, Boucher, Bough, Boughton, Bowen, Bowles, Bowley, Bown, Bownes, Brackenridge, Bradbury, Bradley, Bragg, Brandon, Breadmore, Breeze, Bridgen, Brindley, Brittain, Brittian, Broadway, Brockhus, Brockington, Bromwich, Brooke, Brookes, Brooks, Broughton, Brown, Bruton, Buffrey, Bullock, Burden, Burdett, Burgess, Burns, Burton, Butler, Buxton.

Cadbey, Caldicott, Cale, Caney, Cannabe, Cant, Capenhurst, Capewell, Capner, Capnerhurst, Careless, Carey, Carrier, Cartwright, Cashmore, Castle, Cawdwell, Chalton, Chalwin, Chamberlain, Chandler, Chaplin, Charic, Chatland, Chatterton, Cherrington, Cheshire, Chew, Chilton, Chirm, Chitland, Clackett, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clary, Clay, Clayton, Cleaton, Clements, Clemmens, Clifford, Clifton, Cockrum, Colder, Cole, Coles, Coley, Collard, Collier, Collingwood, Collins, Compton, Constable, Cook, Cooksey, Coop, Cooper, Corbett, Cosnett, Costobadie, Cottrill, Cox, Coxon, Cracknell, Cranage, Crees, Cresswell, Croft, Crofts, Cross, Crossley, Crow, Crowley, Crowton, Croxen, Crump, Cubiss, Culverhouse, Curtin, Curtis.

Daley, Dalton, Danby, Daniels, Darby, Darlaston, Davies, Davis, Daw, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Deakin, Dealer, Dean, Deddicot, Dedicoat, Deeley, Delahay, Dencer, Denning, Dennis, Denton, Devey, Devonport, Dingley, Dixon, Docker, Dodd, Doran, Doughty, Dover, Downs, Drake, Draper, Dudley, Duffield, Dugmore, Dutton, Dyas, Dyde, Dyke.

Eadie, Earp, Edels, Edge, Edkins, Edmonds, Edridge, Edwards, Egerton, Egginson, Eginton, Ellard, Elliott, Elsmore, English, Ensor, Eustace, Evans, Evrill, Exon, Eyland, Eyre.

Faraday, Farmer, Farnol, Farringdon, Faulkner, Fellows, Felton, Fenton, Fereday, Ferner, Fiddian, Field, Finch, Findon, Finnemore, Fisher, Fletcher, Foley, Folk, Ford, Forester, Forman, Forsyth, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Foxall, Frankes, Freeman, Freeth, Frost, Fulford, Fullard.

Gadd, Gahanie, Gale, Gamble, Gameson, Garbutt, Gaul, Gavan, Gee, Genders, George, Gerrard, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilead, Gilliver, Gimbert, Gittins, Glasby, Gloster, Godfrey, Godsall, Goodall, Goodman, Gork, Gorman, Goss, Gough, Gray, Graystone, Greasley, Greatex, Greatorex, Greaves, Green, Greenway, Gregory, Grey, Griffith, Griffiths, Griffitts, Grinwald, Gritten, Gritton, Grove, Groves, Guest, Gumbley.

Haddleton, Hadley, Haines, Halbury, Hale, Hales, Hall, Hallin, Hammett, Hammond, Hancock, Hand, Handley, Hands, Hanks, Harding, Harkinstone, Harley, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartley, Harvey, Harward, Haseler, Hastings, Hateley, Haton, Hatton, Haulston, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hays, Hayward, Haywood, Heath, Heaton, Hedges, Hemmings, Heningham, Henley, Henningham, Henshaw, Henson, Herrick, Hesketh, Hesp, Hewings, Hewlett, Hickin, Higgins, Hilbram, Hill, Hillage, Hillcox, Hillman, Hinchley, Hinden, Hinkley, Hinks, Hinton, Hipkiss, Hirons, Hobday, Hockley, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkins, Hodson, Holder, Holigon, Holland, Hollins, Holloway, Holmes, Holt, Homer, Hopkins, Horton, Hough, Houlston, How, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howle, Hufton, Hughes, Humpherson, Hunt.

Illidge, Ilsley, Ingram, Insley, Ironmonger.

Jack, Jackson, Jallings, James, Jarvis, Jay, Jeffries, Jelfs, Jenkins, Jennings, Jervis, Joesbury, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joseph, Jukes.

Keetley, Kemp, Kendall, Kendrick, Kenshley, Kent, Kenworthy, Ketley, Kettelby, King, Kings, Kirtland, Kitchen, Knight, Knott, Knowles.

Lacy, Lamb, Lambert, Lambourne, Lander, Lane, Langham, Langley, Lasbien, Latham, Laughlin, Laurence, Lavy, Law, Lawlass, Lawley, Lawrence, Lawton, Layland, Lear, Lee, Leek, Lees, Leese, Leeson, Lefrey, Leonard, Lewis, Lilley, Linden, Lindon, Littlehales, Littley, Lloyd, Lock, Lockett, Logan, Lovatt, Lowbridge, Lowe, Lowrey, Loynes, Luckcock, Luckett, Luckman, Lucy, Ludlow, Lutwyche, Lycett.

MacGhie, Machin, MacIntosh, MacKay, Mackie, MackManus, Maddocks, Male, Malpiss, Manison, Manning, Mansell, Margate, Marson, Marten, Martin, Mason, Masser, Massey, Matthews, Matts, Mayer, Mayor, McConnell, McCrea, McKnight, Meakin, Meddings, Mellor, Meredith, Merriman, Meyer, Middleton, Mier, Mifferton, Miles, Millard, Miller, Millington, Mills, Millward, Milton, Mitchell, Mocock, Molinex, Monk, Moore, Moreton, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Morton, Moseley, Moses, Mountford, Mullinex, Murray, Mustin, Myring.

Naish, Nathan, Neal, Neale, Nelson, Nevett, Neville, Newbold, Newel, Newey, Newman, Newnham, Newton, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nichols, Nield, Norris, North, Northall, Northwood, Norton.

Oakes, Oakley, Oldbury, Olorenshw, Onions, Oppenheim, Osborn, Oswell, Ounden, Owen.

Packer, Page, Pain, Palmer, Pardoe, Parker, Parkes, Parkins, Parsons, Partridge, Pasquin, Pass, Passey, Patchton, Patrick, Patten, Pavey, Payne, Peach, Peacock, Peal, Peck, Pelit, Pember, Pemberton, Penn, Penny, Percival, Perigo, Perks, Perry, Peters, Pettifer, Phillips, Phipps, Pigott, Pitt, Plaskett, Podmore, Pointon, Poole, Pope, Porter, Portlock, Potter, Pountney, Povey, Powell, Powis, Poyser, Pratchett, Pratt, Prescott, Preston, Price, Priest, Primer, Pritchard, Probin, Puddick, Purnell, Pye.

Rade, Radford, Ramsdale, Randall, Ranford, Raves, Ray, Raybould, Reading, Reddall, Reeves, Reid, Reily, Revenell, Reynolds, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Riley, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Roden, Roe, Rogers, Rollason, Rooker, Room, Roper, Rose, Rotherham, Rowe, Rowley, Rowney, Royle, Rushton, Russell, Rutter, Ryan.

Sadler, Sale, Salt, Sanders, Sandland, Sansom, Santon, Saunders, Sayer, Scott, Seadon, Searle, Severn, Sharp, Shaw, Sheldon, Shephard, Shepperd, Sherwood, Sheward, Shilton, Shirley, Short, Shread, Shreeves, Shutt, Sill, Simpson, Sison, Siveter, Skinner, Slack, Slade, Slater, Sly, Small, Smallbone, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Sorrell, Sorrill, Southall, Spalding, Sparkes, Spencer, Spiers, Spink, Sprason, Stanley, Stanton, Steadman, Steele, Steeley, Steer, Stenson, Stephens, Stevens, Steward, Stewart, Stiff, Stiles, Stockford, Stokes, Stone, Stowe, Strickland, Stubbs, Styche, Styles, Such, Sullivan, Sutton, Swadkin, Swan, Swatkins, Sykes, Sylvester.

Tafft, Taft, Tansley, Taylor, Terry, Tetlow, Thacker, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Thornicroft, Thornley, Thornton, Thurstan, Timmins, Timms, Tipper, Tipping, Titmus, Tomkins, Tomkinson, Tongue, Tonks, Tooze, Townsend, Tranter, Travill, Troman, Trott, Trusswell, Tubb, Tudman, Tudor, Tully, Turberfield, Turly, Turner, Turnpenny, Turton, Tutin, Twiss, Tyler, Tyrer.

Umfreville, Underhill, Underwood, Unitt, Uppandine, Upton.

Vaderkiste, Vale, Vaughton, Venables, Venow, Vernon, Vickers, Villiars, Vine, Voyle, Vye.

Wagstaff, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Wallin, Walliser, Walmsley, Walton, Walttons, Warallo, Ward, Wareing, Waring, Warmingham, Warrallo, Warren, Warwick, Wassell, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Webb, Welch, Welsh, West, Westbury, Westwood, Whateley, Wheatley, Wheeler, Whiston, Whitaker, Whitcomb, White, Whitehall, Whitehouse, Whitfield, Whittall, Whitticase, Whitworth, Wicks, Wiggin, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilkis, Wilks, Williams, Willington, Wills, Wilmore, Wilmot, Wilson, Winchurst, Wingfield, Winkles, Winterton, Wiseman, Wolley, Wood, Woodfull, Woodhall, Woods, Woodward, Wookey, Woolfield, Woollaston, Woolley, Worrad, Wright.

Yardley, Yarndley, Yate, Yates, Yorke.

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