Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece
RG09/2203 (Coventry (Ss Michael and John))

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UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abel, Abraham, Adams, Adcock, Adkins, Alcott, Allen, Amos, Andrews, Aney, Anstey, Arch, Archer, Archers, Aries, Arnett, Arnold, Ashby, Askew, Asley, Astill, Aston, Atkins, Atterbury, Auderly, Austin, Ayres.

Bagshaw, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Bambury, Banbury, Band, Banks, Baptist, Barnacle, Barnes, Barnett, Barney, Barr, Barratt, Barton, Barttam, Batchelor, Bateman, Bates, Baxter, Baynard, Beadnick, Beamish, Beardmore, Beasley, Beaufoy, Beaver, Beck, Beddall, Bednell, Beeby, Beech, Beeden, Beers, Beesley, Bell, Bellcow, Bennett, Bentley, Benton, Berry, Beston, Beveridge, Bevins, Bickell, Bickerton, Bickley, Bicknell, Biddle, Bindley, Birchall, Birchnell, Bird, Birkenton, Bishop, Bispham, Blackford, Blacklock, Blackwell, Blake, Bloxham, Bloxidge, Bodden, Bolands, Bolland, Bolton, Bond, Bonehill, Bonnick, Bonsor, Booth, Bordir, Borton, Bosworth, Bottom, Bourne, Bourton, Boyce, Bradbury, Bradnick, Bradshaw, Brady, Brain, Branon, Bratt, Bray, Breadney, Bready, Brennand, Brett, Brewer, Bricknell, Brid, Bright, Brisbane, Brittain, Brittin, Broadbent, Broadhurst, Broadknight, Bromfield, Bromwich, Brooks, Broom, Broughton, Brown, Bryan, Buckler, Buckley, Buggins, Bull, Bunney, Burbery, Burbridge, Burden, Burdon, Burk, Burke, Burr, Burton, Bush, Bushill, Buswell, Butler.

Caldicott, Callaghan, Calon, Campbell, Campion, Cantrell, Caporn, Care, Carney, Carpenter, Carr, Cartlige, Cartridge, Cartwright, Carver, Cary, Case, Castle, Causter, Chalmers, Chaloner, Chambers, Chandler, Chantler, Chantrill, Chaplin, Charlesworth, Charley, Chater, Chattaway, Chawner, Checkley, Cherry, Chew, Chinn, Clare, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Cleary, Cleaver, Clegg, Clements, Clenton, Cleverley, Clevers, Clifford, Clipham, Close, Clowes, Cockbill, Cockerill, Cohen, Coldicott, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Coley, Colledge, Colley, Collier, Collins, Coltman, Combes, Comerford, Commander, Conduit, Connolley, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copland, Copson, Corbett, Cormer, Cornwell, Corrigan, Cortleand, Cotton, Cottril, Coulson, Cox, Coyle, Cragg, Creagh, Creike, Crichton, Crimes, Croft, Crofts, Croner, Cropley, Crowe, Crowford, Crowner, Crowther, Crump, Cryor, Cullerton, Cunningham, Cure, Curton, Cuss.

Daffern, Daffin, Daft, Damford, Daniels, Darlison, Darrow, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Dawell, Dawson, Day, Deeming, Dell, Deming, Denniss, Denny, Dent, Denton, Desmond, Dewes, Diamond, Dillion, Dillon, Dix, Dixon, Dodd, Donahoe, Donaldson, Dono, Dowell, Dowling, Downs, Drayan, Duggan, Duncan, Dundas, Dunicliffe, Dunkley, Dunn, Dunnicliffe, Dunton, Durham, Durken, Dyall, Dye.

Eadley, Eaglestone, Earl, Easloe, Eaton, Eaves, Eburne, Edgar, Edginton, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Eld, Elkington, Ellice, Ellingham, Elliott, Elson, Endall, Essex, Evans, Eyles.

Fallon, Farly, Farmer, Farr, Farrel, Farrell, Farren, Faulks, Fearon, Feeny, Feilding, Feltam, Feltham, Felton, Fennell, Ferguson, Field, Fielding, Fisher, Fitchett, Flavel, Flavell, Flecknoe, Fleming, Fletcher, Flinn, Flint, Flowers, Fokins, Ford, Forsett, Foster, Fowks, Fox, Francis, Franklin, Frearson, Freason, Freeman, French, Friswell, Fulford, Furze.

Gardiner, Gardner, Garner, Garratt, Garvey, Gaskins, Gattrick, Gearing, Gearney, Gee, Gibbon, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gillespie, Gillings, Gillott, Gittins, Glover, Glyn, Goddard, Godfrey, Godson, Golby, Gooddie, Goode, Goodman, Goodyer, Gore, Gouty, Grady, Granger, Grant, Greatrix, Greaves, Green, Greenhalsh, Greenway, Greenwood, Grimes, Grimsley, Grisell, Grooms, Gudgeon, Gunn, Gunter, Gutherage.

Hackett, Hadley, Haines, Hale, Hales, Hall, Hamlington, Hammerton, Hanbury, Hancox, Handley, Hands, Hane, Hanes, Hanson, Hantran, Haplin, Hardy, Harley, Harlow, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Harrow, Hartley, Hartridge, Harvey, Harward, Haskett, Hawkes, Hayes, Hayfield, Haymes, Haynes, Heales, Heely, Hegarty, Hembery, Hembury, Hemmings, Henson, Hepworth, Herbert, Hermit, Heward, Hewins, Hewitt, Hextall, Heydon, Hickey, Hicks, Higgett, Higgott, Hill, Hillier, Himbury, Hincks, Hinton, Hiorns, Hirons, Hobley, Hobson, Hockinbeck, Hodgson, Hodson, Hoggins, Holland, Hollander, Hollins, Holloway, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Holtham, Holton, Hopkins, Hordern, Hormfor, Horne, Horsfall, Horsman, Houghton, Howard, Howe, Huff, Hughes, Hulk, Hull, Hulman, Hunt, Hurst, Hussey, Hutchinson, Hutt, Hyatt, Hyde.

Iliffe, Illsham, Ingles, Ingram, Innocent, Ireland, Ison, Ives.

Jackson, James, Jardine, Jarman, Jarvis, Jeffcoat, Jeffries, Jeffs, Jelley, Jephcoate, Jephcott, Jibbs, Jilbert, Jinks, Johns, Johnson, Johnstone, Joliffe, Jolly, Jones, Jordan, Joyce.

Kay, Keatley, Keeling, Keene, Kelch, Kelly, Kemp, Kendall, Kenney, Keogh, Kerby, Kerr, Key, Kibler, Kightley, Kilby, Kilmurry, Kilray, Kimberley, King, Kingdom, Kingston, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkby, Kitle, Kitsen, Knight, Knott.

Laband, Lack, Ladkin, Laing, Lamb, Lambert, Lant, Large, Latham, Laurence, Lawrance, Lawrence, Lawson, Laxon, Lea, Leather, Lee, Lees, Leeson, Leish, Leister, Lenton, Lester, Lewin, Lewis, Liggitt, Lightbourne, Lilley, Linch, Lindon, Linford, Little, Lloyd, Loake, Locke, Lomas, Looms, Loone, Lord, Lovegrove, Loveitt, Loveridge, Lowe, Loyd, Lukin, Luscombe.

Mabbatt, Mades, Maguire, Maher, Malin, Mallett, Mander, Manning, Mansfield, Manson, Manton, Markham, Marlow, Marriott, Marrs, Marshall, Marson, Marston, Mason, Masters, Mathews, Matterson, Matthews, May, Mayo, Mc Cloud, Mc Dermot, Mc Donald, Mc Gee, Mc Lellan, Mc Mahon, McCall, McCartney, McConnall, McCormack, McDonnell, McGee, McKernin, McKnight, McLauglin, McMullan, McMullins, McVeish, McWilliam, Mealand, Medlicott, Mercer, Merry, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Mills, Milner, Milward, Minns, Moggs, Monahan, Mondesley, Monehan, Monk, Montgomery, Moon, Moorcroft, Moore, More, Moreton, Morewood, Morgan, Morrell, Morris, Morrison, Morriss, Moss, Mottram, Mowe, Moy, Mulliner, Munton, Muriel, Murphy, Murray, Murry, Myers.

Nabourning, Naul, Naylor, Neale, Nelson, Neville, Newbold, Newbury, Newey, Newman, Newport, Newsome, Nicholls, Nichols, Nicholson, Nicks, Nicolson, Nightingale, Noakes, Noble, Noon, Norbury, North, Norton, Norwood, Nubury, Nurse, Nutt.

Oates, Obbs, O Brien, O'Brien, Ogden, O'Keeffe, Oldfield, Oliver, Olorenshaw, O'Neil, Onions, Orom, Orton, Osborn, Osment, Oughton, Ougton, Over, Overs, Overton.

Pack, Packwood, Page, Pails, Paine, Pallett, Palmer, Parke, Parker, Parkin, Parnell, Parson, Parsons, Paton, Patrick, Patten, Pattenoste, Paul, Payn, Payne, Peake, Pearman, Pearnell, Pearson, Peaswell, Pedlet, Peel, Pegg, Penny, Pepper, Percy, Perkins, Perry, Person, Petty, Phillips, Phipps, Pickering, Pigeon, Pinfold, Pitman, Player, Plowright, Plummer, Plumridge, Polk, Pollard, Ponsford, Poole, Pope, Porch, Porter, Potter, Potts, Powell, Powney, Pratt, Preedy, Presgreave, Preston, Price, Pritchard, Prosser, Proudfoot, Proudman, Puddephat, Puffitt, Pugh, Purnell, Pyatt.


Radford, Rafferty, Rain, Rainbow, Randall, Rann, Ransford, Ratcliff, Ratcliffe, Raynor, Read, Reader, Redfern, Reed, Reeves, Relphs, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richard, Richards, Richardson, Riddington, Rigby, Riley, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Roby, Rock, Rody, Roe, Rogers, Rollasson, Roney, Ross, Rotherham, Rowe, Rowley, Royle, Russell, Ryan, Ryder.

Sadler, Salt, Samfrey, Sanders, Sandiers, Sanger, Sansome, Sanson, Satchel, Satchwell, Saul, Saunders, Savin, Sayer, Scampton, Scanlon, Scattergood, Screwby, Scrivener, Scrivner, Seager, Seeley, Sellett, Selley, Sellick, Sewell, Shakespear, Shakespeare, Sharp, Sharratt, Shaw, Sheepshanks, Sheldon, Shenton, Shepherd, Sherlock, Shipley, Shirden, Short, Shuttleworth, Sills, Silveston, Simmons, Simms, Simpkins, Sinclair, Sly, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Smithers, Soden, Southam, Sparke, Sparkes, Spencer, Spicer, Sprigg, Squiers, Stafford, Stamary, Stanley, Stanton, Stavely, Steane, Steedman, Steele, Stephenson, Sterland, Stevens, Steward, Stock, Stockwin, Stokes, Stone, Stooks, Strafford, Stringer, Stuart, Suck, Summer, Summers, Sutton, Suttons, Swain, Swann, Swift.

Tallow, Tanday, Tansley, Tarrant, Tatlock, Tatlow, Taylor, Temple, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorneloe, Thornton, Thrasher, Thwaites, Tibbits, Tidmas, Timms, Tipping, Tipson, Toms, Toogood, Towe, Townsend, Townson, Tranter, Trickett, Trotton, Truslove, Tunecliff, Tunicliff, Tunnicliffe, Turland, Turner, Twitchings, Tyman, Tynan, Tysoe.

Underhill, Unsworth, Upton, Usher.

Vail, Vale, Vanwart, Varnam, Vernon, Vero, Vice, Vickey, Villers, Villiers.

Wade, Wadsworth, Waithman, Wakefeild, Wakefield, Walker, Wall, Wallice, Wallin, Wallis, Walmsley, Walsgrove, Walter, Walters, Walton, Wanklin, Ward, Waring, Warner, Warr, Warren, Waterfall, Waterhouse, Waters, Watson, Watts, Webb, Weddell, Welch, Wells, West, Westley, Weston, Westrap, Wetherington, Whale, Whate, Wheeler, Whiles, White, Whitehall, Whitehead, Whiteman, Whitley, Wicks, Wiggeshein, Wikes, Wild, Wildy, Wilkerson, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willerton, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Willoughby, Wilmot, Wilsham, Wilson, Window, Windsor, Winkless, Winn, Wishard, Wood, Woodfield, Woodhouse, Woodman, Woodward, Woolcock, Wootton, Worley, Worral, Wright.

Yananton, Yardley, Yardly, Yates, Young.

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