Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2213 (Rugby)

Link to 2213 zipped version (74 kb) here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Adams, Addnett, Adnett, Agen, Aiken, Aiken Jnr, Ainge, Airs, Akid, Allard, Allen, Allibone, Anslow, Archer, Arden, Arlidge, Armitage Gilbee, Armstone, Arter, Arthur, Artop, Ashbourn, Ashburne, Ashby, Ashwell, Askew, Assop, Aston, Atkins, Attfield, Ault, Austin, Avis.

Bachelor, Bailey, Banbury, Barker, Barnes, Barnett, Barnwell, Barran, Barratt, Barrett, Barrrett, Basley, Bassett, Batchelor, Batchlor, Batcholor, Bateman, Bates, Batman, Batter, Bayes, Beach, Beale, Beasley, Beavens, Beech, Beesley, Beisley, Bennett, Berridge, Berry, Biggs, Billing, Billington, Billson, Bird, Bishop, Blakeman, Bland, Blockley, Boddington, Bodeby, Bolger, Bolstridge, Bolton, Bolton , Bond, Bosworth, Botrill, Bottrill, Bounds, Boy, Boyes, Bracebridge, Bradshaw, Branfield, Branston, Bray, Briggs, Broadley, Bromage, Bromige, Bromwich, Brooks, Brown, Bryan, Buchanan, Bucknell, Buckwill, Budd, Bull, Buller, Bullock, Burbidge, Burdett, Burnett, Burrows, Burton, Busby, Buswell, Butler, Butlin.

Capel, Carnall, Carter, Carvill, Casebrook, Cash, Cashmore, Castell, Castell , Cattell, Cave, Cawthron, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chandler, Cheese, Cherry, Chester, Clark, Clarke, Cleaver, Clements, Cleverley, Clint, Cobley, Cockerill, Cole, Coleman, Collier, Collis, Coney, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copey, Cornish, Cosford, Cottingham, Cowley, Cox, Coy, Crane, Crisp, Crock, Crofts, Crooke, Cryer, Cure, Currin, Curtis.

Dadley, Dallaway, Daniel, Darby, Darbyshire, Daveson, Davidson, Davis, Dawkins, Day, Deacon, Dean, Denny, Dicey, Douglas, Dowsett, Drake, Driver, Drury, Dunkley, Dunn, Durdett, Dusey.

Eagles, Eaglestone, Eales, Eames, Earl, Easex, Edmunds, Elkington, Elkins, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Ellson, Elms, Emery, England, Essen, Esson, Evans, Evens, Everard.

Facer, Farmer, Fish, Fitter, Flattlaw, Flavell, Fletcher, Flint, Foll, Folwell, Fort, Foster, Fostor, Fox, Foxen, Frankton, Freeman, French, Fretter, Frisby, Frost.

Gall, Galletley, Gammage, Gardner, Garner, Garratt, Gates, Gee, Gibbons, Giddings, Gilbee, Gilbert, Gilks, Gillings, Gleed, Glenn, Goddard, Golby, Good, Goode, Goodfellow, Goodman, Goodwin, Gray, Green, Greenhill, Griffen, Griffin, Griffiths, Gupwell.

Hack, Haddon, Hague, Haines, Hales, Halford, Hall, Hall , Hallday, Hallum, Hammond, Hammonds, Hammons, Hancock, Handcock, Hands, Hardy, Harfield, Harford, Harper, Harratt, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Harrisson, Harroll, Hart, Hartland, Hartley, Hartwell, Hatfield, Haynes, Haywood, Healey, Hearne, Heaven, Hefford, Hensome, Herbert, Herley, Hewitt, Heydon, Heyes, Hickman, Hicks, Higginson, Higgs, Hill, Hills, Hillyard, Hind, Hinks, Hinton, Hiorns, Hipwell, Hirons, Hobbs, Hobley, Hodge, Hodges, Hodson, Holate, Holding, Holland, Hopcroft, Hopkins, Horton, Houghton, How, Howard, Howe, Howes, Howett, Howkins, Howlet, Howlett, Hudson, Humphreys, Humphries, Hurst, Hutchins, Hutt, Hyde.

Iliff, Ingram, Inns, Ireson, Irons, Issitt, Ivens.

Jackson, Jakeman, James, Jenaway, Jenkinson, Jennings, Jenson, Jephcote, Jephcott, Jeyes, Johnson, Johnstone, Jones, Jordan.

Kean, Kelham, Kempton, Kench, Kendrick, Kenney, Kenny, Kent, Kerr, Kibley, Killworth, Kilworth, Kinch, King, Kirby, Knight.

Lacey, Lamb, Langham, Lansbury, Lapworth, Lasket, Lawrence, Leatherland, Lee, Leeson, Lennett, Lenton, Letts, Lewis, Lickorish, Liddington, Liggins, Liggins , Lillyman, Lindsay, Lines, Linkler, Linnell, Linnet, Linnett, Lissaman, Littledale, Lock, Lockington, Lockyer, Loomes, Lord, Love, Lovell, Lowe, Loydall, Lucas, Luck, Lumas.

MacKenzie, Maggott, Major, Makin, Malin, Malsbury, Manders, Margetts, Marks, Marlow, Marriott, Marsh, Marson, Martin, Mason, Masters, Matthew, Matthew , Matthews, Mattocks, Maud, Mawby, May, Maycock, Maydwell, Mayon, McDonald, Menzies, Messenger, Mewis, Middleton, Minor, Minors, Montgomery, Moore, More, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Muscott, Musson, Muston.

Nelthorpe, New, Newitt, Newman, Nilthorpe, Nobler, Norman, Norris, Norton, Nugent, Nursey.

OCoy, Oddy, ODey, O'Donnell, Ody, Oliver, Orsborn, Orton, Osborn, Osborne, Owen.

Page, Painter, Palmer, Parish, Parker, Parnell, Parsons, Patchets, Patchett, Peace, Peasleton, Peberday, Pebody, Peck, Pell, Perkins, Perrin, Perry, Pettifer, Phipps, Piercy, Pike, Pinder, Pitham, Pittom, Poole, Porter, Powell, Pratt, Prestage, Price, Pridmore, Prowitt.

Radbone, Rainbow, Rathbone, Rees, Reesby, Reeve, Reeves, Reynolds, Richardson, Riddey, Right, Roadnight, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Roddis, Rodgers, Rodhouse, Roe, Rolleston, Rollins, Root, Rotherham, Russel, Russell.

Sabin, Sail, Sale, Salisbury, Salsbury, Sanders, Sanderson, Santos, Sargent, Savage, Savery, Schoen, Scott, Seamark, Seaton, Sergeant, Sharman, Shaw, Shea, Sheffield, Shelton, Shelvey, Shettle, Simpson, Sims, Sinclair, Sleath, Sleith, Small, Smalley, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Snowe, Southam, Sparks, Sparrow, Spencer, Spokes, Stafford, Stannard, Stewart, Stirling, Stokes, Sturman, Sunoll, Sutton, Swan, Swanson, Swift, Swingler, Sylvester.

Talbot, Tarry, Taylor, Teebey, Tew, Thompson, Thornton, Timms, Toates, Tomalin, Tomes, Tooby, Totten, Towers, Townsend, True, Truslove, Turall, Turland, Turner, Turrell, Turrill, Turroll, Turvey, Twigger.


Vann, Vaughn, Vause, Vince, Voss, Waite.

Wakefield, Wakelin, Walden, Walding, Wale, Walker, Walton, Ward, Waring, Warmsley, Warrin, Warwick, Washbrook, Waters, Watkins, Waton, Watson, Watts, Wearing, Webb, Webster, Webston, Wells, West, Weston, Whilson, White, Whitefield, Whiteman, Whitmell, Wickes, Wickson, Wiggins, Wilkins, Williams, Wills, Willson, Wilson, Winn, Witlock, Witmell, Witts, Wolf, Wolfe, Wolff, Wolffe, Wood, Woodfeild, Woodfield, Woodford, Woodhouse, Woolfe, Wormleighton, Worrall, Worster, Wright, Wrighton.


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