Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2216 (Solihull)

Link to 2216 zipped version (60 kb) here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abercombie, Acland, Adcock, Addis, Adey, Adkins, Aimes, Ainge, Alexander, Allcock, Allcott, Allday, Allen, Allin, Allwood, Anderson, Anderton, Andrew, Andrews, Archer, Arnal, Arnold, Asbury, Ashford, Aspley, Asset, Aston, Atkins, Atkinson, Auster.

B.ach, Badger, Bailey, Bair, Bakeny, Baker, Baldock, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Bampton, Barber, Barker, Barnacle, Barnes, Barnett, Barrett, Barter, Bartlett, Bastock, Baswell, Bate, Bates, Bawley, Baylis, Bayliss, Beach, Beasley, Beckinsale, Beech, Beecroft , Beele, Beesey, Beesley, Bellamy, Benham, Bennett, Benninn, Bennion, Benson, Bentley, Beowarke, Berwick, Betts, Bickerstaff, Biddle, Bierming, Billing, Billingsly, Bingham, Binnall, Biot, Birch, Birch , Bird, Birkin, Bishop, Bladon, Blakeman, Bland, Blelock, Blooe, Bluck, Blyth, Bonall, Boston, Bosworth, Bott, Bowen, Bowhill, Bradbarn, Bradnack, Braggins, Brandon, Brazier, Brease, Breedon, Breedon , Bridgwater, Bridgwester, Bright, Brik, Briscoe, Brittle, Bromley, Brookfield, Broomhead, Brown, Buckley, Bullas, Bullivant, Bullock, Burgess, Burhill, Burkett, Burman, Burnpus, Burns, Burrows, Burton, Busby, Bustow, Butler, Butlin, Bywater.

Cale, Capenhurst, Capers, Card, Careless, Carpenter, Carter, Cartwright, Cashmore, Cattell, Catten, Chambers, Chance, Chancee, Charles, Charlton, Chillingworth, Chinn, Cive, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Claybrook, Clayton, Clements, Clemson, Cliff, Clifton, Clinald, Clowes, Cluckit, Cockerill, Coldicutt, Cole, Coley, Colledge, Collins, Collis, Coltam, Constantine, Cook, Cooke, Cooling, Cooper, Cope, Copour, Coppage, Corbett, Cotril, Cotterell, Cotterill, Cotton, Cottrell, Couper, Court, Cox, Craddock, Cross, Currier, Cutler.

Dagley, Daniel, Daniels, Dapper, Davenport, Davis, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Deakin, Dean, Dedicoat, Dedicourt, Dedicutt, Dennis, Desanis, Dickson, Dipple, Dixon, Dodds, Dolphin, Domnay, Doughty, Douglass, Downes, Drayton, Dudley, Dukes, Dumley, Dunn, Dusten, Dutton, Dyde, Dyke.

Eades, Edelsten, Edge, Edginton, Edkins, Edmunds, Edrington, Edwards, Elks, Elliott, Ellis, Elmore, Elvins, Emanuel, Enson, Etherington, Evans, Everett, Ewards.

Fairley, Farmer, Farr, Faulkner, Fearn, Fellon, Field, Filbin, Findley, Fitt, Fitter, Flavell, Fleetwood, Fletcher, Florence, Fludow, Folk, Fossey, Foster, Foutles, Fowkes, Fox, Foxall, Foyle, Francis, Franklin, Freehorn, Freeman, French, Fulford, Furniough, Furnshal, Futrell.

Gallantry, Gardiner, Gardner, Gardyer, Garland, Garrison, Gasby, Gascoigne, Gassage, Gell, Genders, Gent, George, Gibson, Gikeanllon, Gill, Gillion, Gilman, Goddard, Godwin, Goldsby, Goldsley, Goodbehan, Goodenough, Goodwin, Gossage, Graham, Grant, Greathead, Green, Gregory, Greswold, Grieves, Griffids, Griffin, Griffiths, Grindall, Groad, Groves, Gryewill, Guest, Gunn, Gurney, Guyther.

Hahar, Haiden, Hail, Haims, Hales, Halford, Hall, Hampton, Hancox, Hand, Handley, Harbon, Harcourt, Hardey, Hardman, Hargrave, Harmer, Harnell, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Harrisson, Harrod, Harte, Hartwell, Harvey, Harwood, Hasen, Hassal, Hasskins, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawks, Hawsson, Hayden, Haynes, Healtham, Hearton, Heath, Heaven, Hedgcox, Hellaby, Helor, Hemming, Hemmings, Hemus, Herbert, Hewer, Hewitt, Hickey, Hicks, Higgitt, Hiley, Hilgarak, Hill, Hincks, Hinns, Hipkiss, Hirgius, Hirton, Hobson, Hodgkins, Holden, Hollins, Hollioake, Holloway, Holmes, Holroyd, Holtom, Homans, Hood, Hopkins, Horniblou, Horton, Houghton, Howard, Hubbard, Hughes, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Hussilby, Hutchings, Hyall, Hyde.

Iliffe, Ingley, Ingram, Inkersley, Izon, Izorn.

Jackman, Jackson, Jacques, Jager, James, Janes, Jarvis, Javiss, Jay, Jeffries, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jennings, Jessop, Jobson, Johnson, Johnstone, Jones, Jonson, Jutson.

Kalkey, Kasgill, Kearney, Keatley, Keen, Kellar, Kelsey, Kemp, Kemwar, Kendall, Kilburn, Kimberley, King, Kirk, Kirkham, Kiss, Kitchen, Knight, Knowles, Kyte.

Lake, Lakin, Lancaster, Lane, Langford, Larke, Latham, Lawley, Layfield, Layton, Lea, Leadbetter, Leak, Leake, Leamon, Lee, Leek, Lewis, Lewty, Lichfield, Lidzey, Lilly, Linden, Lindon, Line, Lines, Linitt, Lions, Lippit, Lloyd, Lock, Lockley, Lodge, Long, Lovedee, Lovell, Lowe, Lucas, Ludham, Lusting, Lynes.

Machin, Madeley, Madley, Maet, Magnus, Malect, Males, Mallin, Mander, Mann, Mansell, Mansfield, March, Marrion, Marriott, Marris, Marsden, Marston, Marthurod, Martin, Mason, Massey, Mathews, Matthews, Maullin, May, Mayou, Mayow, Mays, Mc Hale, Meacham, Meadows, Meads, Meek, Mercer, Meredith, Merry, Merton, Middleton, Miles, Millard, Miller, Mills, Millward, Milner, Milward, Mitchell, Mobley, Moggins, Mole, Molesworth, Moll, Moore, Morgan, Morinansell, Morris, Mortehay, Mortiboys, Moss, Mould, Mountain, Mountford, Mullins, Mullis, Multilow, Murphey.

Nadew, Naylor, Neal, Neil, Neson, Neville, Newbold, Newhouse, Newton, Nichol, Nicholls, Nichols, Nivitt, Nixon, Norris, North, Norton, Nossiter.

O Hara, O Neill, Oakley, Oldham, Oliver, Onions, Orton.

Pace, Paice, Palace, Paliner, Paling, Palkner, Pane, Pardoe, Parker, Parkes, Parkins, Parrott, Parsonage, Parsons, Pattle, Pauntay, Payne, Payton, Perkins, Perrie, Perry, Petifer, Phillips, Pinfold, Pitcher, Plant, Playjen, Port, Porter, Potter, Powell, Powers, Poyton, Preece, Preston, Price, Pryce, Purvey.


Rabone, Rainsford, Randall, Ranklin, Rawlins, Rayner, Reeve, Reynolds, Rians, Richards, Richardson, Riley, Rincett, Roberts, Robins, Robinson, Robotham, Robothan, Rock, Roden, Roe, Rogers, Rose, Rotherham, Rotten, Rouse, Rowley, Rudge, Russell.

Sabin, Saceprove, Sale, Salo, Sanders, Sandford, Sands, Sandwell, Sanford, Savage, Savery, Sawyer, Saxby, Saxilby, Scott, Scrivener, Scudamore, Sealey, Seeley, Sellard, Selley, Shakespear, Shalar, Shaler, Sharke, Sharland, Sharp, Sharratt, Shaw, Sheldon, Sherratt, Shilton, Shipman, Shooter, Short, Shorthouse, Shufflebotham, Shuttleworth, Siers, Silk, Silvester, Simcox, Simkin, Simkins, Simmons, Skelsey, Skidmore, Slater, Sling, Smith, Snead, Souly, Southall, Southerton, Sparrow, Spencer, Spry, Standley, Stanley, Starkey, Steedman, Steen, Stephens, Sterling, Stewart, Stirgo, Sturch, Suffield, Suffolk, Sumner, Sumners, Surmon, Sutton, Swinburn, Swinson.

Tandy, Tase, Tatlow, Taverner, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Thorley, Thornley, Thorpe, Timmins, Tims, Tipper, Tipton, Tomkins, Tomlinson, Tonge, Toon, Tooth, Townsend, Townshend, Toy, Tranter, Travers, Trenfield, Trishman, Truman, Tucker, Tufft, Turner, Twigg, Twist.

Underhill, Unett.

Vale, Veisey, Vernon, Voller.

Wade, Wadsworth, Wagstaff, Wakefield, Wales, Walford, Walhew, Walker, Wall, Walton, Ward, Wardell, Wareing, Warwick, Waters, Watson, Watts, Weaks, Webb, Wells, West, Westbury, Westering, Western, Weston, Westwood, Wharton, Wharwood, Whateley, Whatmore, Whealdon, Wheatcroft, Wheeldon, Whelde, Whiles, White, Whitehead, Whitehous, Whitehouse, Whitlock, Whittaker, Whittle, Whorrall, Whotmore, Wiggett, Wilcox, Wilde, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilks, Willetts, Williams, Willis, Willmot, Willoughby, Wilmott, Wilson, Windridge, Winfield, Wise, Withers, Wollaston, Wood, Woodcock, Woodfield, Woodhall, Wooding, Woodward, Woodwards, Woolridge, Worthington, Wotton, Wright.

Yardley, Yates, Yeanton, York, Young, Yournal.

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