Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1861

UNCHECKED Surname Index of Piece RG09/2219 (Warwick)

Link to 2219 zipped version (69 kb) here.
UNCHECKED Surname Listing
Abbott, Abel, Adams, Adey, Adkins, Airey, Alixander, Allchurch, Alldritt, Allen, Allibon, Allsop, Alsop, Anderson, Annesley, Anstey, Arch, Archer, Arnold, Ash, Askew, Astley, Aston, Attwood, Atwood, Aubery, Austins, Aven, Avern, Avery, Ayers, Ayres.

Badger, Baker, Bakewell, Bale, Ball, Ballard, Banenam, Bant, Barber, Barler, Barlow, Barnbook, Barnbrook, Barnet, Barnett, Barret, Bartlam, Bartlet, Bartlett, Bass, Batchler, Bates, Batson, Battes, Batty, Baylis, Bayliss, Bayllies, Bazley, Beasely, Beasley, Beck, Becke, Beddows, Beer, Beesley, Bell, Bellamy, Benbrock, Benbrook, Benbuck, Bench, Bennett, Bensley, Bentley, Berril, Berry, Best, Betts, Bickley, Bickmore, Bickwell, Billingham, Billins, Birch, Birkett, Bisley, Bister, Black, Blackford, Blackstone, Blackwell, Blakeman, Blakman, Blincow, Blinklow, Bloxham, Boddington, Boldon, Bolton, Bond, Boneham, Bonham, Bonill, Boownystin, Bostock, Boswell, Bottrell, Bourne, Bourton, Bowens, Boyce, Bracebridge, Bradbury, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bradway, Bragg, Bragge, Braithwaite, Branston, Bray, Brett, Brewer, Bringacour, Britain, Britten, Brodie, Brookes, Brooks, Brown, Brutton, Bryan, Buckingham, Buckley, Bukley, Buncher, Bunn, Burdon, Burge, Burgess, Burgy, Burman, Burton, Butcher, Button, Byerly, Bynes, Byrier.

Canning, Capers, Carey, Carlton, Carpenter, Carpetner, Carroll, Carter, Cartwright, Cashmore, Cassan, Cassell, Castle, Cattell, Cave, Chamberlin, Chambers, Chandler, Chapman, Chappell, Chard, Chataway, Clancy, Clark, Clarke, Cleaver, Clements, Clerke, Clifford, Clues, Cluff, Cockbill, Cockerill, Cogbile, Colborne, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Colin, Colledge, Collins, Collis, Commander, Cook, Cooke, Cookes, Cooks, Cooper, Corbet, Cornell, Cotterill, Cotton, Cottrill, Court, Courtnell, Cowley, Cox, Crispin, Crofts, Cross, Crouch, Croxhill, Cubbins, Cumberland, Currall, Curtis.

Daffen, Daffern, Dafforn, Davies, Davis, Day, De Brook, Dedenham, Dee, Denny, Dent, Devereux, Dewsbun, Dickson, Dix, Dixon, Dolphin, Douglas, Douglass, Dowdeswell, Dowler, Downer, Downs, Draper, Drinkwater, Duckett, Duel, Dumbleton, Duncan, Dunn, Durden, Dutton.

Eagles, Ebern, Eborall, Ecles, Ecsley, Eden, Edginton, Edkins, Edward, Edwards, Elkin, Elliott, Ellis, Emes, Emms, England, Ensor, Enston, Enstone, Evans, Eyton.

Fairfox, Fell, Fesse, Fessey, Fetherston, Feucus, Field, Fillpot, Fincher, Findon, Finnemore, Finnimore, Fleming, Fletcher, Florence, Flowers, Follet, Ford, Formby, Fossey, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Francis, Franklin, Freeman, Fretwell, Fry, Fulford, Fullwood.

Gad, Gallard, Gardener, Gardner, Garner, Garrett, Gatward, Gaydon, Gazey, Gem, Gent, George, Ghent, Gibbins, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilkes, Gilks, Gladdy, Glenn, Glover, Goddard, Goodard, Goode, Goolde, Gopsill, Gould, Goves, Gower, Grainger, Granger, Grant, Graves, Greaves, Green, Greenaway, Greenway, Griffin, Grines, Grove, Grover, Groves, Grubb, Gubbing, Gubbings, Gubbins, Guest, Gulliver, Gumbley, Gumm, Gurling, Gwinnett, Gwynn.

Haden, Hadley, Hadon, Hailes, Hales, Halford, Hall, Hallet, Hallibon, Hallibone, Hambidge, Hancocks, Hancox, Handley, Hands, Haney, Hanks, Hanson, Harbon, Harding, Harison, Hariss, Harkliss, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Harrisson, Hartwell, Harvey, Harwood, Hassam, Hastings, Hathaway, Hatton, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawthorn, Haycock, Haydon, Haynes, Hayward, Heath, Hedges, Hemming, Hennis, Herbert, Heritage, Herring, Hewins, Hewitt, Heydon, Hicken, Hickes, Hicks, Higgerson, Higgison, Hill, Hillman, Hingram, Hinsan, Hinson, Hinton, Hiorns, Hipkins, Hirons, Hitchman, Hobbs, Hobley, Hodges, Hodgkins, Hodgkyns, Hodgson, Hodkinson, Holmes, Honey, Hood, Hopkins, Horborne, Hortin, Hough, Houston, Howard, Huband, Hubbard, Hudson, Huett, Hughs, Hull, Hume, Humphreys, Humphris, Humphriss, Hunings, Hunt, Hurdson, Huren, Huring, Hurlston, Hurst, Husay, Hutton, Hyatt.

Ingram, Inson, Inston, Iorns, Ivens.

Jackson, Jakeman, James, Jarrett, Jarvis, Jeacock, Jefkin, Jelfs, Jem, Jevon, Jew, Jobson, Johns, Johnson, Joiner, Jones, Jordan, Jorden, Jordon, Joyce, Joyner, Judd.

Keen, Ketch, Key, Keyte, Kibler, King, Kinzett, Kirby, Kiss, Knight, Kyte, Lake, Lancaster, Lane, Larance, Lattimer, Lawrence, Leach, Leader, Leech, Lees, Leeson, Lennon, Lenton, Lewis, Lidgate, Lines, Litchfield, Lively, Llewellin, Lloyd, Long, Loundes, Lourie, Lowe, Ludlow.

Maides, Maillin, Makepeace, Male, Malin, Malins, Mallins, Mander, Mann, Manton, Marriott, Marshal, Marshall, Mashall, Mason, Masters, Masterson, Mathews, Matthews, Mautts, May, Meades, Meadows, Mercy, Meridith, Merriman, Merry, Messenger, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Mills, Mogg, Moggs, Mold, Moore, Morrice, Morris, Morriss, Moseley, Mosley, Moss, Mouser, Mullaney, Mullis, Mulliss, Munday, Mundy, Murrell, Mylin.

Nashs, Nason, Neadle, Neal, Needle, Neville, Newbery, Newland, Newman, Nichol, Nicholls, Nixon, Norris, Norton, Nunchin.

Oakes, Oddy, O'gara, Oldham, Oldhames, Oliver, Olorenshaw, Oltane, Onions, Onslow, Orsborn, Osborne, Osbourn, Overton, Owen.

Pacy, Page, Painter, Palmer, Pamplin, Parker, Parks, Parsey, Parsons, Payne, Pearman, Pearson, Pell, Penn, Percox, Perkes, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Peters, Pettepher, Pettifer, Pettipher, Pettit, Phipps, Pinfold, Pitt, Pittam, Plant, Polin, Pollard, Polton, Pope, Porter, Powell, Powers, Prat, Pratt, Prentice, Prestidge, Prew, Price, Pritchard, Pritchet, Proof, Prue.


Rabon, Rabone, Rabune, Ramsey, Randell, Randle, Rathbone, Rawbone, Reader, Reading, Reason, Redmond, Reeve, Relins, Rench, Reynolds, Richards, Rider, Right, Rimell, Ritchie, Robbins, Robbns, Roberts, Robinson, Roffe, Roffle, Rogers, Rosamand, Rose, Rous, Rouse, Rowney, Rutherford, Ryder, Ryland.

Sabin, Sabine, Sadler, Sale, Salmon, Sammons, Sanders, Satchwell, Savage, Savin, Schlothaner, Sculthorpe, Seeney, Shakespeare, Shakspere, Shale, Sharman, Sharmon, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Shearsby, Sheasby, Sheldon, Shellard, Shellord, Shepheard, Shepperd, Sherrif, Sherwood, Shewell, Shirley, Showell, Shurley, Silvester, Simmonds, Simmons, Simmpson, Simpson, Skidmore, Skipworth, Slater, Sly, Smallbone, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Smitten, Soden, Sodin, Sonnen, Spencer, Spendlove, Spicer, Spires, Stanby, Stanley, Stanly, Statham, Steel, Steeles, Steeley, Stephens, Stiles, Stockley, Stott, Styles, Summerton, Swan, Sweetman, Swinborn, Swinbourne, Sykes.

Taft, Talbot, Talliss, Tandey, Tarver, Tate, Taylor, Thackabery, Thacker, Thaman, Thomas, Thomson, Thornborough, Thorpe, Tibbits, Tibbitts, Tickle, Timms, Tims, Tirvey, Tiso, Tomes, Tommlinson, Tomson, Toons, Torre, Tower, Townsend, Toy, Tranter, Treadgold, Treadwell, Tredcroft, Treen, Trinder, Troth, Trotman, Tullock, Turman, Turner, Tyeco, Tysie.

Underhill, Upson, Usher.

Viggers, Viner.

Wagstaff, Wakefield, Walden, Waldin, Walding, Waldon, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Wallis, Walter, Walters, Walton, Waram, Ward, Wareham, Warmington, Warner, Warr, Warre, Warren, Washbourn, Washbrook, Washbrooke, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Weab, Webb, Weetman, Welch, Wells, West, Wheatman, Wheeler, Wheeluler, Wheeway, White, Whitmore, Wigglesworth, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willcox, Willes, Williams, Willis, Winfield, Wingate, Winston, Wisdon, Wise, Wiseman, Wite, Wlliss, Wollard, Wood, Woodfield, Woodgate, Woodgatt, Woodward, Worrall, Worsey, Wort, Wortley, Wotton, Wrench, Wright, Wyatt.


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